Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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I pay, you teach!
You don't go saying tht I have a lousy attitude ok. You don't go refusing t teach me just because I slept in your class (eh wtf I was reallyyyyy tired la tht time!) As quoted by Ahmad, I pay th sch fees for you t teach me and not for you t get some gaji buta. So yes, Ong SK, tht's for you.
Ohyes look at this: I merely put my head on th table for less thn five seconds and Davidlim caught me. Eh come on la he was scrolling down his in-th-laptop-de-textbook it's not as if my putting-head-on-table-for-less-thn-5-secs would make a diff! =.= asshole. Almost th whole class was late for 3mins for Chem practical and Ong SK showed muka perangai t us. Haha.
I got my period tday, satisfying th fact tht I'm a lady :D (tht's t my guyfriends who's not convinced tht I'm a girl la ha) And Yanting ah! -winks- Loooool.
Thn I got forced by mum t go belajar ugama (some religious thingy~) at night. You know like all th makciks sit together and listen t th ustazah talk whatever thingy. Yes tht one. I was so pissed ah I don't like all this things and I haven't wear th tudung for years alr (and i'm not joking) But cheers I took less thn 5mins t wear :D chehbah. Actually th thingy wasn't so bad aft all, eh. But I fell asleep whn they were reading some long prayers and mum was hitting me. Mum: Oi! Tidur eh? (Oi! Sleep ah?) Adel: Tak ah, orang tengah feel benda ni. (No ah, I'm feeling th prayer) Cheh macam faham!
Ogay but again I'm scared of th future you know, hari kiamat and alam bazaar all tht. Oh so scary O:
He called whn I was in th middle of th religious session. Hahah sorry uh, I have no choice but t put religion over you. Baik nampak, baik nampak!
Family, stop talking about brother's wonderful life, boleh? Friggin' irritating lah ahhahaa.
And and and I still missed your voice, boohoo. ))):
PS Reuben Seah turns botak tday! I bid thy rebonded hair farewell -fakes tears- Go hide yourself, go. Before anyone of us catch you furless. LMAO.
I pay, you teach!
You don't go saying tht I have a lousy attitude ok. You don't go refusing t teach me just because I slept in your class (eh wtf I was reallyyyyy tired la tht time!) As quoted by Ahmad, I pay th sch fees for you t teach me and not for you t get some gaji buta. So yes, Ong SK, tht's for you.
Ohyes look at this: I merely put my head on th table for less thn five seconds and Davidlim caught me. Eh come on la he was scrolling down his in-th-laptop-de-textbook it's not as if my putting-head-on-table-for-less-thn-5-secs would make a diff! =.= asshole. Almost th whole class was late for 3mins for Chem practical and Ong SK showed muka perangai t us. Haha.
I got my period tday, satisfying th fact tht I'm a lady :D (tht's t my guyfriends who's not convinced tht I'm a girl la ha) And Yanting ah! -winks- Loooool.
Thn I got forced by mum t go belajar ugama (some religious thingy~) at night. You know like all th makciks sit together and listen t th ustazah talk whatever thingy. Yes tht one. I was so pissed ah I don't like all this things and I haven't wear th tudung for years alr (and i'm not joking) But cheers I took less thn 5mins t wear :D chehbah. Actually th thingy wasn't so bad aft all, eh. But I fell asleep whn they were reading some long prayers and mum was hitting me. Mum: Oi! Tidur eh? (Oi! Sleep ah?) Adel: Tak ah, orang tengah feel benda ni. (No ah, I'm feeling th prayer) Cheh macam faham!
Ogay but again I'm scared of th future you know, hari kiamat and alam bazaar all tht. Oh so scary O:
He called whn I was in th middle of th religious session. Hahah sorry uh, I have no choice but t put religion over you. Baik nampak, baik nampak!
Family, stop talking about brother's wonderful life, boleh? Friggin' irritating lah ahhahaa.
And and and I still missed your voice, boohoo. ))):
PS Reuben Seah turns botak tday! I bid thy rebonded hair farewell -fakes tears- Go hide yourself, go. Before anyone of us catch you furless. LMAO.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
Monday blueeeees~
First time in Minds and Swensens, w Reuben :D
I'm a lady tauuuuuuu!
Rainy day~
You seem t be th angel tht answers my thoughts, I ...
Oh what a humid day~
April Fools
Eh you faggot siak
i have no idea what t put for title so yeah.
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger