Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Yesterday went out w Reuben Seah, Ierfan, Hairil, Ahmad, Meiting, Liling, Dorisa, Yingchong, Jingxin, Huijie and David t Minds Cafe and Swensens. V enjoyable and "happening" day eh! I'll be expecting more gatherings soon, yay :D Updates more on th day later.
I'm so fucking pissed like th biggest fucking thing you can ever think of. Father talked for 50 whole mins. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed. Life is totally unfair. HE EVEN CALLED REUBEN. -.- Yes you said tht Amy is a guy and me, a girl thus th different treatments. But why is th different treatment giving him all th advantage siol? Look, he's been going jamming almost every week in Sec 4, he stayed back in sch t play soccer, he hardly studies and home and will always win me in using th computer. He only started studying in September gitu. And me? I'm alr starting, I rarely go out on weekends except for group study (which really made a diff if you don't know) and I don't go places here and tell you I go somewhere else. I don't bring my friends home t play guitar. Yet this is what shit i'm getting? Even my tchers said tht they could see my effort in studies, they gear me on not t give up whn i told them i'm in th verge of doing so. But you? You said i had no stress. Repeat tht adelina. NO STRESS. You think i slit for fun? You think so? You think i do this for th trend? DUH, of course not la sial. This is hurting myself leh. You think I'm th biggest stupidest bitch in th whole world and unfortunately I'm your daughter. But saddeningly, I'm a girl who's all broken up inside. Bagus ah, v good. My curfew for weekdays is 4.30pm. FUCK LAH WHERE GOT PEOPLE, LET ALONE A SEC4, CAN COME HOME AT 4.30PM EVERYDAY SIAK. You can only see perfectly, all my flaws. You've never seen my better side, and you claim you know me? Sad t say, eh. I realised tht I'm a diff person at home and at sch, I'm a quiet stuck-up here and at sch, a bubbly girl. I go t sch t see people and t make myself happy 'cause tht's th place where I'll be happy, ironically. I pray you don't take tht away from me 'cause there won't be nothing in it for me otherwise. Besar nyer sial. Nabei. Knncb. Pukimak. Seriously ah, it's like I'm some kinda jinx tht's born into your life. You once said I'm brainless and stupid (I rmbr it clearly, if you don't) and ytd you said i'm intelligent but i don't know how t use it. But I think my brain has stopped thinking by th time you said I was fucking brainless. Sorry eh, for embarassing you (in whatever ways tht i don't know)
I'm gonna strike out all th clothes in my wishlist and get myself a keyboard. I need entertainment in my room if i'm gonna stay in here from 4.30pm onwards, daily.
Shit my life ah, anyone care t exchange? hah i doubt so, even for a million buckeroos sial.
Yesterday went out w Reuben Seah, Ierfan, Hairil, Ahmad, Meiting, Liling, Dorisa, Yingchong, Jingxin, Huijie and David t Minds Cafe and Swensens. V enjoyable and "happening" day eh! I'll be expecting more gatherings soon, yay :D Updates more on th day later.
I'm so fucking pissed like th biggest fucking thing you can ever think of. Father talked for 50 whole mins. I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo pissed. Life is totally unfair. HE EVEN CALLED REUBEN. -.- Yes you said tht Amy is a guy and me, a girl thus th different treatments. But why is th different treatment giving him all th advantage siol? Look, he's been going jamming almost every week in Sec 4, he stayed back in sch t play soccer, he hardly studies and home and will always win me in using th computer. He only started studying in September gitu. And me? I'm alr starting, I rarely go out on weekends except for group study (which really made a diff if you don't know) and I don't go places here and tell you I go somewhere else. I don't bring my friends home t play guitar. Yet this is what shit i'm getting? Even my tchers said tht they could see my effort in studies, they gear me on not t give up whn i told them i'm in th verge of doing so. But you? You said i had no stress. Repeat tht adelina. NO STRESS. You think i slit for fun? You think so? You think i do this for th trend? DUH, of course not la sial. This is hurting myself leh. You think I'm th biggest stupidest bitch in th whole world and unfortunately I'm your daughter. But saddeningly, I'm a girl who's all broken up inside. Bagus ah, v good. My curfew for weekdays is 4.30pm. FUCK LAH WHERE GOT PEOPLE, LET ALONE A SEC4, CAN COME HOME AT 4.30PM EVERYDAY SIAK. You can only see perfectly, all my flaws. You've never seen my better side, and you claim you know me? Sad t say, eh. I realised tht I'm a diff person at home and at sch, I'm a quiet stuck-up here and at sch, a bubbly girl. I go t sch t see people and t make myself happy 'cause tht's th place where I'll be happy, ironically. I pray you don't take tht away from me 'cause there won't be nothing in it for me otherwise. Besar nyer sial. Nabei. Knncb. Pukimak. Seriously ah, it's like I'm some kinda jinx tht's born into your life. You once said I'm brainless and stupid (I rmbr it clearly, if you don't) and ytd you said i'm intelligent but i don't know how t use it. But I think my brain has stopped thinking by th time you said I was fucking brainless. Sorry eh, for embarassing you (in whatever ways tht i don't know)
I'm gonna strike out all th clothes in my wishlist and get myself a keyboard. I need entertainment in my room if i'm gonna stay in here from 4.30pm onwards, daily.
Shit my life ah, anyone care t exchange? hah i doubt so, even for a million buckeroos sial.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
First time in Minds and Swensens, w Reuben :D
I'm a lady tauuuuuuu!
Rainy day~
You seem t be th angel tht answers my thoughts, I ...
Oh what a humid day~
April Fools
Eh you faggot siak
i have no idea what t put for title so yeah.
If that's not love, then what is?
atnic agnubagnub
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger