Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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Eh you faggot siak
HAIRIL IS SUCH A CUNT LAH SEH! *Smiles at th "lah seh"
i learnt tht waiting for a guy outside th toilet alone could send th wrong signal -.- this is th 2nd time alr! (ever since th day i really stepped into one! sheesh)
my dearest classmates around me were being nosy sial. or should i say, concerned? lagi-lagi dori, ierf, hairil, cheryl and darren. so irritating, boleh? ahhaaaaa, cheryl, ily boleh? eh come on la you all ah. i have my own reasons t keeping his identity private (cheh). anw thnks ah zhang (pronounced w a slang) huiyi for listening t me. looooool.
eh those two mamats better stop it eh! i didnt kacau you all (i'm a good girl la kan) and korang still say korang dont know me and i'm an obstruction t th queue -.- i know la you two are tall, pfffft. and lit v sleepy, poem about some mother's hair or someth. th mother got cancer la. ate icecream and went for amath asap (cheh i didnt pon ok!). hairil: shut up, bitch. adelina: oh you shut up, you cunt. yes, i used it like ONCE on him cause he's over th bitch level alr and he got addicted t th word. cunt cunt cunt. so we were like scolding each othr throughout tht lesson, along w th typical M language, lah seh! thn david lim disgusting pengotor giler babi yucky utter nauseating siak! he scratched his butt like super loud in front of me! oh wait his BACK was infront of me and so imagine th impact ah! you disgusting ASS-SCRATCHER, MOFO!
Ohyea a random one w BFF NUTT who'll listen t me rant, no matter what. Nutt: imagine if he knows tht he has your heart. sure ego seh. (read it literally la) Adel: haha yea. eh wait remember my dream about me in a heart operation? maybe they took out my heart t give it t him mah! (yes i dreamt tht i had a heart op. AWAKE O:) Nutt: tht's funny. so during th pledge he'll feel two heartbeats, one his one yours. thn he'll think, i'm pregnant? Adel: NONO, this means tht i have his heart too! since we dont feel any diff. i think th doctor put his heart into mine. you know, exchange our hearts~ Nutt: tht means his heart is plastic. and you got his heart from a ziplock. ahhaaaaa. (refers t dream)
It was damn funny la yeay. eh nutt dont be so biased la, i know you dont like him right. but you still gotta accept him maaaaah. haiyoh. anyway :B turn so cool alr orh! LOOOOOL. but i love chenghuan banyak-banyak tauuuuuuuu! (since you insist tht :B is zaixi)
ok it's 7.46pm and i wanna go sleep. yeay three cheers for me!
lastly, happy 17th t david and khairul! :D both of you, please eh, act your age. lol.
Eh you faggot siak
HAIRIL IS SUCH A CUNT LAH SEH! *Smiles at th "lah seh"
i learnt tht waiting for a guy outside th toilet alone could send th wrong signal -.- this is th 2nd time alr! (ever since th day i really stepped into one! sheesh)
my dearest classmates around me were being nosy sial. or should i say, concerned? lagi-lagi dori, ierf, hairil, cheryl and darren. so irritating, boleh? ahhaaaaa, cheryl, ily boleh? eh come on la you all ah. i have my own reasons t keeping his identity private (cheh). anw thnks ah zhang (pronounced w a slang) huiyi for listening t me. looooool.
eh those two mamats better stop it eh! i didnt kacau you all (i'm a good girl la kan) and korang still say korang dont know me and i'm an obstruction t th queue -.- i know la you two are tall, pfffft. and lit v sleepy, poem about some mother's hair or someth. th mother got cancer la. ate icecream and went for amath asap (cheh i didnt pon ok!). hairil: shut up, bitch. adelina: oh you shut up, you cunt. yes, i used it like ONCE on him cause he's over th bitch level alr and he got addicted t th word. cunt cunt cunt. so we were like scolding each othr throughout tht lesson, along w th typical M language, lah seh! thn david lim disgusting pengotor giler babi yucky utter nauseating siak! he scratched his butt like super loud in front of me! oh wait his BACK was infront of me and so imagine th impact ah! you disgusting ASS-SCRATCHER, MOFO!
Ohyea a random one w BFF NUTT who'll listen t me rant, no matter what. Nutt: imagine if he knows tht he has your heart. sure ego seh. (read it literally la) Adel: haha yea. eh wait remember my dream about me in a heart operation? maybe they took out my heart t give it t him mah! (yes i dreamt tht i had a heart op. AWAKE O:) Nutt: tht's funny. so during th pledge he'll feel two heartbeats, one his one yours. thn he'll think, i'm pregnant? Adel: NONO, this means tht i have his heart too! since we dont feel any diff. i think th doctor put his heart into mine. you know, exchange our hearts~ Nutt: tht means his heart is plastic. and you got his heart from a ziplock. ahhaaaaa. (refers t dream)
It was damn funny la yeay. eh nutt dont be so biased la, i know you dont like him right. but you still gotta accept him maaaaah. haiyoh. anyway :B turn so cool alr orh! LOOOOOL. but i love chenghuan banyak-banyak tauuuuuuuu! (since you insist tht :B is zaixi)
ok it's 7.46pm and i wanna go sleep. yeay three cheers for me!
lastly, happy 17th t david and khairul! :D both of you, please eh, act your age. lol.
you wanna piece of me
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i have no idea what t put for title so yeah.
If that's not love, then what is?
atnic agnubagnub
You come to love not by finding the perfect person...
I can't wait t see you again
i love you, i love you. all th yesterdays, today a...
: D
Good Friday
JSS Sports Day 2008
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger