Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Writing the second entry for today. Lols. My brother is watching Princess Hours Dvd. I guess I must have influenced him. Hha. He's enjoying himself too!
OuhKAY, I changed my blogskin already. Vintage can! It's so because I find loads(and I really mean loads) of people with Goong blogskin. I spent almost an hour to find a perfect blogskin ouhKAY. Thanks to the creator yeahh. Btw, I wore the same before! FINE, my shoes were pink. But so what? This blogskin is about me!
Actually I'm here to talk about my DREAM! Guess what? I dreamt of Joakim! When I woke up, it was time for the damn madrasah-.-" Let's talk about it~ I don't know when it was. I was at my auntie's house. In my dream it's her house, but in reality, it's not. I don't even know who's house it is, but who cares? Then I went into a room, where all my cousins were. My father was inside too:) We were dancing like HELL. Then all of a sudden, Joakim appeared. And he was sooo cute can! Then he smiled at me! I almost melted. Almost.
I guessed the rest understooded(I'm speaking Juliana, gor!). They left the roomie. Left me, Joakim and my dad. My dad was holding da camera. Joakim was like, blurred. Then I JUMPED onto him(I don't know why I did that!) and said, "Can you take a picture with me? Just ONE." He was like, "Erm, okay". Abit hesitant, I suppose.
My dad was the cameraman. Lols. He always is. Hhah. Anyways, instead of a snap, me and Joakim were having loads of fun snapping away. That means that we took more than once-.-" Rofl. Then, my cousin Hafiz(why is he inside?) came and called for Joakim. Joakim went towards the white door and I followed. Send him off mah. Then he turned and gave me a peck on the cheek! Then I was blushing~~~~ I guess. Then I forgot what happened-.+
But who cares? At least I remembered the important part ouhKAY.
And umm, if I feel like writing again, DUI BU QI WORHH.
Isn't this cute?[x
Writing the second entry for today. Lols. My brother is watching Princess Hours Dvd. I guess I must have influenced him. Hha. He's enjoying himself too!
OuhKAY, I changed my blogskin already. Vintage can! It's so because I find loads(and I really mean loads) of people with Goong blogskin. I spent almost an hour to find a perfect blogskin ouhKAY. Thanks to the creator yeahh. Btw, I wore the same before! FINE, my shoes were pink. But so what? This blogskin is about me!
Actually I'm here to talk about my DREAM! Guess what? I dreamt of Joakim! When I woke up, it was time for the damn madrasah-.-" Let's talk about it~ I don't know when it was. I was at my auntie's house. In my dream it's her house, but in reality, it's not. I don't even know who's house it is, but who cares? Then I went into a room, where all my cousins were. My father was inside too:) We were dancing like HELL. Then all of a sudden, Joakim appeared. And he was sooo cute can! Then he smiled at me! I almost melted. Almost.
I guessed the rest understooded(I'm speaking Juliana, gor!). They left the roomie. Left me, Joakim and my dad. My dad was holding da camera. Joakim was like, blurred. Then I JUMPED onto him(I don't know why I did that!) and said, "Can you take a picture with me? Just ONE." He was like, "Erm, okay". Abit hesitant, I suppose.
My dad was the cameraman. Lols. He always is. Hhah. Anyways, instead of a snap, me and Joakim were having loads of fun snapping away. That means that we took more than once-.-" Rofl. Then, my cousin Hafiz(why is he inside?) came and called for Joakim. Joakim went towards the white door and I followed. Send him off mah. Then he turned and gave me a peck on the cheek! Then I was blushing~~~~ I guess. Then I forgot what happened-.+
But who cares? At least I remembered the important part ouhKAY.
And umm, if I feel like writing again, DUI BU QI WORHH.
Isn't this cute?[x
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
I don't have much to say laa. This bloggy is getti...
Yesterday went to the storytelling workshop. It's ...
Will upload photos of Hari Raya later.Currently fe...
SundayIn the morning, my family of four went to Li...
Didn't blog for some time. Didn't want to say abou...
Jasmine tagged me to say that she got Eunice's blo...
SaturdaySupposed to go to the Hype Up Autograph S...
I was busy doing the survey tagged by Grace that I...
I'm doing this thang thanks to Grace~.!
Thanks to Atiqah, I'm doing this thang.
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger