Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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I was busy doing the survey tagged by Grace that I forgot to about yesterday's entry. Haha. Woke up at around 8.30(early right?) Because my grant aunt called to say that she would be coming. Didn't know what was the occasion, but said yes anyway. Then switched on the computer, changed the blogskin. Nice? Love it:) They came around one. There was Nek Uda, Tok Uda, Marissa and Yasmine. We watched GANYUT, TAK TENTU PASAL. It's $14, but kind of a cheap production. My father said it sure made quite alot of money. But if we never buy, who else are going to support our local production? It's nice to watch okey~.! Nek Uda passed me a container of her creation-Chocolate Chip Cookies. She had always been a pro in food. Tell her the name, she'll whip it up right away~.! After watching, they wanted to take their leave. Then, Nek Uda passed me a Hari Raya packet(it felt thick, haha) Me: Apa ni, Nek Uda? Raya belum sampai. Nek Uda: Tak per, nanti Raya dapat lagik.
After sending them off at the gate-.-", I check and there was 50RM inside! Called my dad, as it's kind of weird. Suddenly came, and give money. 50 ketul plak tu. Continued bloggging, then went to Jurong Point. Had $15 voucher for NTUC lah. Instead of going NTUC, my dad and I walked the whole mall instead. Haven't been there for quite a long time. Met Li Ling and Mei Ting at Popular. Mei Ting was buying a CD or something. I went to the toilet to get some tissue for my dad who had flu*eew. Met them again, at the escalator. Then, met them AGAIN. Outside World Of Sports. We went out, they went in. It's improved! I love ELLE! My wardrobe's collection of ELLE are getting small, must use Hari Raya money, get new tops, bags, and everything! Bought only chocolates with the money. Imagine lah. Going out, saw Hazel, Eileen, James and Beng Yew. They didn't saw me. They were walking quite fast leh. Anyways, went to the Bazaar nearby and bought some food. I just love the rendang laa. Went home, time to buka! The neighbour gave mee which is super yummy! Thanks Cik Linda! I LOVE PRINCESS HOUR. I LOVE KOREAN MOVIES. I don't know why I find Malay movies such a bore. Korean and Chinese movies are amazing lor. Even without subtitles, I can understand it somehow. Hahah. Then, did the survey which was like, 20 minutes. Watched Enchanted Life after that. Then dozed off at the sofa:) Zzz. Oh, my dad called my grant aunt. It turned out that she striked lottery-again. How? My dad's car number-again. I don't know, but my dad's cars ALWAYS win~.! His friends are always buying. Let me list them out:- SBQ7010L - Won two times. SCV1204X - Won four times. SDS3144B - Won SIX times. SFT4453Z - Won once so far, it's only one month old. If my dad buys(I ask him to, only one in a few months), it ALWAYS miss. If buy on Wednesday's, it will come out on Saturday's. Vice-versa. Ugh. Anyone want to try? If win, must tell me hor. That's all for YESTERDAY. Today's entry don't know when will I update. Take care everyone~.! .ADELINA.
I was busy doing the survey tagged by Grace that I forgot to about yesterday's entry. Haha. Woke up at around 8.30(early right?) Because my grant aunt called to say that she would be coming. Didn't know what was the occasion, but said yes anyway. Then switched on the computer, changed the blogskin. Nice? Love it:) They came around one. There was Nek Uda, Tok Uda, Marissa and Yasmine. We watched GANYUT, TAK TENTU PASAL. It's $14, but kind of a cheap production. My father said it sure made quite alot of money. But if we never buy, who else are going to support our local production? It's nice to watch okey~.! Nek Uda passed me a container of her creation-Chocolate Chip Cookies. She had always been a pro in food. Tell her the name, she'll whip it up right away~.! After watching, they wanted to take their leave. Then, Nek Uda passed me a Hari Raya packet(it felt thick, haha) Me: Apa ni, Nek Uda? Raya belum sampai. Nek Uda: Tak per, nanti Raya dapat lagik.
After sending them off at the gate-.-", I check and there was 50RM inside! Called my dad, as it's kind of weird. Suddenly came, and give money. 50 ketul plak tu. Continued bloggging, then went to Jurong Point. Had $15 voucher for NTUC lah. Instead of going NTUC, my dad and I walked the whole mall instead. Haven't been there for quite a long time. Met Li Ling and Mei Ting at Popular. Mei Ting was buying a CD or something. I went to the toilet to get some tissue for my dad who had flu*eew. Met them again, at the escalator. Then, met them AGAIN. Outside World Of Sports. We went out, they went in. It's improved! I love ELLE! My wardrobe's collection of ELLE are getting small, must use Hari Raya money, get new tops, bags, and everything! Bought only chocolates with the money. Imagine lah. Going out, saw Hazel, Eileen, James and Beng Yew. They didn't saw me. They were walking quite fast leh. Anyways, went to the Bazaar nearby and bought some food. I just love the rendang laa. Went home, time to buka! The neighbour gave mee which is super yummy! Thanks Cik Linda! I LOVE PRINCESS HOUR. I LOVE KOREAN MOVIES. I don't know why I find Malay movies such a bore. Korean and Chinese movies are amazing lor. Even without subtitles, I can understand it somehow. Hahah. Then, did the survey which was like, 20 minutes. Watched Enchanted Life after that. Then dozed off at the sofa:) Zzz. Oh, my dad called my grant aunt. It turned out that she striked lottery-again. How? My dad's car number-again. I don't know, but my dad's cars ALWAYS win~.! His friends are always buying. Let me list them out:- SBQ7010L - Won two times. SCV1204X - Won four times. SDS3144B - Won SIX times. SFT4453Z - Won once so far, it's only one month old. If my dad buys(I ask him to, only one in a few months), it ALWAYS miss. If buy on Wednesday's, it will come out on Saturday's. Vice-versa. Ugh. Anyone want to try? If win, must tell me hor. That's all for YESTERDAY. Today's entry don't know when will I update. Take care everyone~.! .ADELINA.
you wanna piece of me
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I'm doing this thang thanks to Grace~.!
Thanks to Atiqah, I'm doing this thang.
Wows. Someone got 2nd entry siah. Hahas.Anyways, t...
Wooh~.! I finally gort a blog! thanks to Sulyannah...
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
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