Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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Thanks to Atiqah, I'm doing this thang.
1.Single, taken or crushing? Ans: Crushing. Haha.
2.Are you happy with your life right now? Ans: Ok-ok=X
3.When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast? Ans: I don't even realise if it's slow or fast laa.
4.Have you ever had your heart broken? Ans: Erm, once?
5.Do you believe there are circumstances where cheating love is acceptable? Ans: No.
6.Would you take back someone if he cheats you? Ans: Totally, I can't stand being cheated.
7.Have you talked about marriage with another person before? Ans: Oops,yes:)
8.Do you want children? Ans: Not sure lah.
9.How many? Ans: 21. Hahah, not sure=X
10.Would you even consider adoption? Ans: Don't really think so.
11.If someone likes you now, what is the best way to let you know his/her feelings? Ans: Tell me-.-"
12.Do you enjoy getting into relationship? Ans: No.
13.Honestly, what is the furthest thing you and your ex did? Ans: (like Atiqah's) Sit side by side lors.
14.Do you believe in love at first sight? Ans: Can like, but can't love.
15.Are you romantic? Ans: I think I'm more of a pathetic person.(my gor say so)
16.Do you believe that you can change someone? Ans: No, people laughs when I'm serious. Hurs*
17.If you could marry someone, where will it be? Ans: Kolong blok. Tradisional mahs.
18.Do you give in easily when fighting? Ans: NOOOOOOOO! Ask my brother if you want to know:)
19.Do you have feelings for someone right now?Ans: Yes. 20.Have you ever wished you could have someone but you messed it up? Ans: No.
21.Have you ever broken a heart? Ans: I don't know, ain't a heart doctor=.=
22.If one day your best friend fell in love with the boy/girl you are deeply in love with, what will you do? Ans: Bash her up? Don't know, jodoh di tangan tuhan.
23.Are you missing someone right now? Ans:Uh-huh.
24.Name 4 friends you want to do this survey: Nathisha, Kai Ting, Chu Fang, Jasmine Chong
That was kinda waste of time, but I don't know why, I was laughing while answering it. Haha. EXAMS ARE OVER. Wooh~.! Tomorrow no school:) Except for my poor Chinese students in 2-3. Jiayou wors! I have faith in you guyspeople! Me and Ah-Gong wanted to meet Rafeedha in 30, but 154 came just at the right time. So sorrylah Feedha. Reached home. Abah: Cepat nah Ina balik? Me : Tak boleh ke? Abah: Macam tak Ina lah, balik cepat. Me : Bila Ina balik lambat, kena marah. Balik cepat, bukan Ina. Abeh Abah nak I balik what time? Abah: Dah dah, help me move the furniture. Me : For what? Rumah kita okey pe.. Abah: Ok? Then ok lah, kita maintain jek.
I thought it was over.
Abah: Nanti Ina ikut Abah beli cat. Me : CAT? I thought we not going to change anything? Abah: Tu luar jek. Takkanlah bilik Abah buruk.. -.-""""""""" I was pissed.
And I started to blog. Didn't go to school with Liana today. Lonely, so I forced my dad to send me. I was busy replying to the tags, and friendstering, then I realised that it was 6.40. *Still got time. Go helped my mother put duit raya inside packets. Waah~ my cousins get $5 each. Sorry to Kakak Nur, Abang Wan, Abang Wee and Syahid. You're not getting any. Dah tua kata kan:) Not to forget, must remind myself to watch PRISON BREAK. It's getting WAY interesting, and the actor is amazingly hot.(my brother says, "Dah agak dah, mesti kena handsome nyer..". But whatever. No more mugging siaah. .ADELINA.
Thanks to Atiqah, I'm doing this thang.
1.Single, taken or crushing? Ans: Crushing. Haha.
2.Are you happy with your life right now? Ans: Ok-ok=X
3.When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast? Ans: I don't even realise if it's slow or fast laa.
4.Have you ever had your heart broken? Ans: Erm, once?
5.Do you believe there are circumstances where cheating love is acceptable? Ans: No.
6.Would you take back someone if he cheats you? Ans: Totally, I can't stand being cheated.
7.Have you talked about marriage with another person before? Ans: Oops,yes:)
8.Do you want children? Ans: Not sure lah.
9.How many? Ans: 21. Hahah, not sure=X
10.Would you even consider adoption? Ans: Don't really think so.
11.If someone likes you now, what is the best way to let you know his/her feelings? Ans: Tell me-.-"
12.Do you enjoy getting into relationship? Ans: No.
13.Honestly, what is the furthest thing you and your ex did? Ans: (like Atiqah's) Sit side by side lors.
14.Do you believe in love at first sight? Ans: Can like, but can't love.
15.Are you romantic? Ans: I think I'm more of a pathetic person.(my gor say so)
16.Do you believe that you can change someone? Ans: No, people laughs when I'm serious. Hurs*
17.If you could marry someone, where will it be? Ans: Kolong blok. Tradisional mahs.
18.Do you give in easily when fighting? Ans: NOOOOOOOO! Ask my brother if you want to know:)
19.Do you have feelings for someone right now?Ans: Yes. 20.Have you ever wished you could have someone but you messed it up? Ans: No.
21.Have you ever broken a heart? Ans: I don't know, ain't a heart doctor=.=
22.If one day your best friend fell in love with the boy/girl you are deeply in love with, what will you do? Ans: Bash her up? Don't know, jodoh di tangan tuhan.
23.Are you missing someone right now? Ans:Uh-huh.
24.Name 4 friends you want to do this survey: Nathisha, Kai Ting, Chu Fang, Jasmine Chong
That was kinda waste of time, but I don't know why, I was laughing while answering it. Haha. EXAMS ARE OVER. Wooh~.! Tomorrow no school:) Except for my poor Chinese students in 2-3. Jiayou wors! I have faith in you guyspeople! Me and Ah-Gong wanted to meet Rafeedha in 30, but 154 came just at the right time. So sorrylah Feedha. Reached home. Abah: Cepat nah Ina balik? Me : Tak boleh ke? Abah: Macam tak Ina lah, balik cepat. Me : Bila Ina balik lambat, kena marah. Balik cepat, bukan Ina. Abeh Abah nak I balik what time? Abah: Dah dah, help me move the furniture. Me : For what? Rumah kita okey pe.. Abah: Ok? Then ok lah, kita maintain jek.
I thought it was over.
Abah: Nanti Ina ikut Abah beli cat. Me : CAT? I thought we not going to change anything? Abah: Tu luar jek. Takkanlah bilik Abah buruk.. -.-""""""""" I was pissed.
And I started to blog. Didn't go to school with Liana today. Lonely, so I forced my dad to send me. I was busy replying to the tags, and friendstering, then I realised that it was 6.40. *Still got time. Go helped my mother put duit raya inside packets. Waah~ my cousins get $5 each. Sorry to Kakak Nur, Abang Wan, Abang Wee and Syahid. You're not getting any. Dah tua kata kan:) Not to forget, must remind myself to watch PRISON BREAK. It's getting WAY interesting, and the actor is amazingly hot.(my brother says, "Dah agak dah, mesti kena handsome nyer..". But whatever. No more mugging siaah. .ADELINA.
you wanna piece of me
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Wows. Someone got 2nd entry siah. Hahas.Anyways, t...
Wooh~.! I finally gort a blog! thanks to Sulyannah...
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
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