Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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yay lexus biscuits!
16th Feb Happy birthday, Nuraziela bte Ahmad! <33333 Though we don't hang out together much now, I'll always be there if you need me. Stay th rocky merepeky lamey cool way, kakak! ahahaaaa I miss th old times, yo. Ohwell, I LOVE YOU LESBIAN. :DDDDDD
17th Feb Stupid brother got a new phone! Which is like dumb, 'cause he's like noob w Sony Ericsson and he bought th Ali and Danial one. Come on la brotherrrr you can't even type properly lol. K is this like mengumpat? ahahaaa kla kla. I find it lame 'cause tht phone is like used by NS Guys 'cause it doesn't have a camera yet it's good. Yet my brother isn't even in NS yet he bought th phone 'cause it's "macam cool." Like hello of course it's cool but if you're not in NS shouldn't you take th chance and get a bloody phone w a camera? kla kla your money i understand. I shall not pursue this matter any longer k.
Oh yeaaa mother bought for me 3 books (like LOL! i don't read books!) How t b popular, on th spot (someth t do w growing up) and someth t do w dating. Sheeeeeesh she said she didn't want me t be conned by (name). -.- OH MOTHERRRRRR ahahha so didn't want t break her heart i started reading th how t be popular book (since lots of people read it) boy boring nak mampus siak. I think I'm seriously not cut out for reading since th favourited book is like boring like shit. Then i asked mother if i could try wearing tampons and she's like NOOOOO and started t babble, so i kinda pushed th on th spot book at her t show tht tampons doesn't hurt or whatever, those are just myths or stupid beliefs. then mother was like, do you believe me? and im like, you bought me th book. and she left th room. and i shouted, so can i wear tampons? and she shouted back NOOOOOO.
k fine. im still gonna try it, at least once. you'll never know till you try right HAHHA.
(i just deleted a whole chunk here ahah) K SHUT UP LA ADELINA YOU CUNT!
i think my blog is getting so boring but i dont care 'cause there are like, no die-hard readers or someth. anyway like i told (blank) i have a v boring life, so doesnt matter if i blog anot la kan ahhaha.
k da
yay lexus biscuits!
16th Feb Happy birthday, Nuraziela bte Ahmad! <33333 Though we don't hang out together much now, I'll always be there if you need me. Stay th rocky merepeky lamey cool way, kakak! ahahaaaa I miss th old times, yo. Ohwell, I LOVE YOU LESBIAN. :DDDDDD
17th Feb Stupid brother got a new phone! Which is like dumb, 'cause he's like noob w Sony Ericsson and he bought th Ali and Danial one. Come on la brotherrrr you can't even type properly lol. K is this like mengumpat? ahahaaa kla kla. I find it lame 'cause tht phone is like used by NS Guys 'cause it doesn't have a camera yet it's good. Yet my brother isn't even in NS yet he bought th phone 'cause it's "macam cool." Like hello of course it's cool but if you're not in NS shouldn't you take th chance and get a bloody phone w a camera? kla kla your money i understand. I shall not pursue this matter any longer k.
Oh yeaaa mother bought for me 3 books (like LOL! i don't read books!) How t b popular, on th spot (someth t do w growing up) and someth t do w dating. Sheeeeeesh she said she didn't want me t be conned by (name). -.- OH MOTHERRRRRR ahahha so didn't want t break her heart i started reading th how t be popular book (since lots of people read it) boy boring nak mampus siak. I think I'm seriously not cut out for reading since th favourited book is like boring like shit. Then i asked mother if i could try wearing tampons and she's like NOOOOO and started t babble, so i kinda pushed th on th spot book at her t show tht tampons doesn't hurt or whatever, those are just myths or stupid beliefs. then mother was like, do you believe me? and im like, you bought me th book. and she left th room. and i shouted, so can i wear tampons? and she shouted back NOOOOOO.
k fine. im still gonna try it, at least once. you'll never know till you try right HAHHA.
(i just deleted a whole chunk here ahah) K SHUT UP LA ADELINA YOU CUNT!
i think my blog is getting so boring but i dont care 'cause there are like, no die-hard readers or someth. anyway like i told (blank) i have a v boring life, so doesnt matter if i blog anot la kan ahhaha.
k da
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
Nad's drawings
2more kg
I'm tired of this fond chase
Th Sun Will Always Shine
Stupid humans
Setupid sia~
stupid motherfucker
An unattractive woman who was harshly rejected by ...
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger