Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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Setupid sia~
I'm v th setupid sia. Haiyoooo seriously sia macam wtf giler siak. So I'm like re-considering if I should drop th asshole subject. Anyways thanks GMM and GFs for tryna cheer me up. You know what!!! I miss Cikguuuuuu. I miss her naggings =.=! And she's one person that I can talk t but now she's not here so yeaaaa.
Someone called 987FM and said that he's in some animation crap and this reminds me! Khairul and Iman said they saw me on TV or someth O: Iman gave th nyeanyea expressions thus I infer I must have looked damn stupid babbling and bla. Nevertheless I miss those Hwachong guys! Esp Matthew lols. My first new friend there okkkkkkkk :D
I seriously have no mood sia today. Apart from th stupid egg I got, there's still like gazzillion things tht I was thinking about and couldn't get 'em outta my head no matter how hard I tried. I ended up forcing myself t sleep so that I could just get away from all this shits and when I woke up it kinda got worse 'cause I gotta think about them in a sleepy mood and dunno what shitty face +hair.
And please la don't come and ask me like, eh are you emo-ing? or eh you emo ah? or are you like in th emo mood? Come on la I'm so not emo ok doesn't mean I don't talk t people and whatnots doesn't mean I'm emo la you don't expect me t like HELLO PEOPLE YAY I'M SAD TODAYYYY! Like excuse me you don't want people t like, bug you when you're like thinking of many problems right. Like you're gonna break down anytime now and someone goes like, eh you emo sia.
CNY Celeb tmr and I super bet you tht 4/3 2008 is gonna win th BEST DECO crap and th HAMPER thing. Ahahhahaaaaaa like real sia wtf. Like duh sia of course 5B would win tht stupid deco award 'cause their classroom is like cinoneh alr reallyyyyyy and our class is like, oh miss ong our theme is black so no need do anyth, ahahahaa sedih sak miss ong k whatever like i care.
OMGGGGGG I seriously need t do some saving up if I really wanna go for some treatments for my face (chehhhh) And maybe I shall go for liposuction so tht I can be like thin and finally be pretty woohooo~
On th other hand, maybe I should just use th money t get tht grey crumpler tht I've been eyeing on this days (since brother has taken tht watch away!!!)
I took almost 100 picture of myself t make myself happy =.= but i shall just post up two incase some people puke upon seeing my hideous face. ahhh panorama!

K dah byeeeeeeee
Setupid sia~
I'm v th setupid sia. Haiyoooo seriously sia macam wtf giler siak. So I'm like re-considering if I should drop th asshole subject. Anyways thanks GMM and GFs for tryna cheer me up. You know what!!! I miss Cikguuuuuu. I miss her naggings =.=! And she's one person that I can talk t but now she's not here so yeaaaa.
Someone called 987FM and said that he's in some animation crap and this reminds me! Khairul and Iman said they saw me on TV or someth O: Iman gave th nyeanyea expressions thus I infer I must have looked damn stupid babbling and bla. Nevertheless I miss those Hwachong guys! Esp Matthew lols. My first new friend there okkkkkkkk :D
I seriously have no mood sia today. Apart from th stupid egg I got, there's still like gazzillion things tht I was thinking about and couldn't get 'em outta my head no matter how hard I tried. I ended up forcing myself t sleep so that I could just get away from all this shits and when I woke up it kinda got worse 'cause I gotta think about them in a sleepy mood and dunno what shitty face +hair.
And please la don't come and ask me like, eh are you emo-ing? or eh you emo ah? or are you like in th emo mood? Come on la I'm so not emo ok doesn't mean I don't talk t people and whatnots doesn't mean I'm emo la you don't expect me t like HELLO PEOPLE YAY I'M SAD TODAYYYY! Like excuse me you don't want people t like, bug you when you're like thinking of many problems right. Like you're gonna break down anytime now and someone goes like, eh you emo sia.
CNY Celeb tmr and I super bet you tht 4/3 2008 is gonna win th BEST DECO crap and th HAMPER thing. Ahahhahaaaaaa like real sia wtf. Like duh sia of course 5B would win tht stupid deco award 'cause their classroom is like cinoneh alr reallyyyyyy and our class is like, oh miss ong our theme is black so no need do anyth, ahahahaa sedih sak miss ong k whatever like i care.
OMGGGGGG I seriously need t do some saving up if I really wanna go for some treatments for my face (chehhhh) And maybe I shall go for liposuction so tht I can be like thin and finally be pretty woohooo~
On th other hand, maybe I should just use th money t get tht grey crumpler tht I've been eyeing on this days (since brother has taken tht watch away!!!)
I took almost 100 picture of myself t make myself happy =.= but i shall just post up two incase some people puke upon seeing my hideous face. ahhh panorama!

K dah byeeeeeeee
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
stupid motherfucker
An unattractive woman who was harshly rejected by ...
Camwhore in th morning!
I heard you
Jingxin's 16th!
What i just realised
300th post
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger