Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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Late. Siak je, bangun extra awal = lambat -.- Wasted seh, 2nd week only. And I went out earlier? Haiyohhhhhhhh I really don't understand SBS. Woohoo you've never smiled at me and you saw me standing macam budak bodoh kat situ and you smiled? Tak paham aku, ahhaha.
Lessons are alright *yahoo* Please cheer along with me 'cause lessons were NEVER alright last year. Oh Adel, you so pro, you look like WOOH! Look like WOOH! Look like WOOH! Bala bala bala~
Eh I miss Lydia tau! I miss the pink lady who will 24hours comb her hair in front of me in MT Class. That's damn random but yeah. ):
Recess was with the bitch, slut and whore. Woohoooooo and Nad was saying that she condemn the K name 'cause D got lebam-ed because of someone named K. Hhahaaaaaa damn lame 'cause before that a K from JSS bumped into her. -.-
Literature was like damn merepek. I sat with Fee and Nad (+ Junko Kanglin Qihui but they tidur so takda papa) and then yes, damn merepek lah. "She was just playing with words." Aku LOL macam nak mampus when Nad imitated me -.-!
Had a meeting with CL, ACL and PLs about PNA. Hhahaaa we were like so -____- when we saw the calculated points. Funny, sad, confusing, etc. Like everyone laughed, then eh?, then harrrrrr?
Oh oh then Nurul helped to call Edmund (tutor). Damn funny please. "I'm Adelina... What, pardon?" Chufang and I rushed home, I was bloody excited like *woohoo* Then itu Edmund said he'll be an hour late O: So Chuf and I ate keropok lekor and instant noodles *yummeyyyyy* And her wish to like step properly into my house is granted.
Edmund called me and his voice was like orang tua. So we were like saying that maybe Natalie's mum that said that he looked like Julian He in her times etc 'cause he sounded reallyyyyy tua. And we were like laughing like mad asses and the doorbell TING TONG-ED.
Tuition was okaaaaaaay ah, but he kept tsk-ing around and imitating my actions -__- He was kinda shocked to see our marks O: Hahaaaaaaa stupid people exist FYI. -.-
Tuition stretched till almost 8pm 'cause I insisted that he teach Qn 5. Then i sent him off outta my house first (menghalaunya HAHHA) then sent Chuf off at the bustop. Skali see him crossing the road WTF kan. I was like, huh? And he said that he couldn't cross from just now. HAHAH anak mak kepeeeeee tak tau cross
Okay I'm so bad. And you know what (What?) Abah was like a lil happy tonight. You know (do you?) he always get more grrrrr when I say I study. Cause I don't study when he's around, macam tak selesa gitukan. So he has never seen me study till today. Am I supposed to cheer now? *cheers*
I don't get it why we have to pamper them so much. Like we never get this much of attention when we were juniors. Haiyoooooooh
Stop making it hard for me. You ignored me like I'm some bacin sampah on the floor And today you treated me like you've never seen a sister for gazillion years Eh what the hell man
Dah lah. You know my neck is like aching.
Late. Siak je, bangun extra awal = lambat -.- Wasted seh, 2nd week only. And I went out earlier? Haiyohhhhhhhh I really don't understand SBS. Woohoo you've never smiled at me and you saw me standing macam budak bodoh kat situ and you smiled? Tak paham aku, ahhaha.
Lessons are alright *yahoo* Please cheer along with me 'cause lessons were NEVER alright last year. Oh Adel, you so pro, you look like WOOH! Look like WOOH! Look like WOOH! Bala bala bala~
Eh I miss Lydia tau! I miss the pink lady who will 24hours comb her hair in front of me in MT Class. That's damn random but yeah. ):
Recess was with the bitch, slut and whore. Woohoooooo and Nad was saying that she condemn the K name 'cause D got lebam-ed because of someone named K. Hhahaaaaaa damn lame 'cause before that a K from JSS bumped into her. -.-
Literature was like damn merepek. I sat with Fee and Nad (+ Junko Kanglin Qihui but they tidur so takda papa) and then yes, damn merepek lah. "She was just playing with words." Aku LOL macam nak mampus when Nad imitated me -.-!
Had a meeting with CL, ACL and PLs about PNA. Hhahaaa we were like so -____- when we saw the calculated points. Funny, sad, confusing, etc. Like everyone laughed, then eh?, then harrrrrr?
Oh oh then Nurul helped to call Edmund (tutor). Damn funny please. "I'm Adelina... What, pardon?" Chufang and I rushed home, I was bloody excited like *woohoo* Then itu Edmund said he'll be an hour late O: So Chuf and I ate keropok lekor and instant noodles *yummeyyyyy* And her wish to like step properly into my house is granted.
Edmund called me and his voice was like orang tua. So we were like saying that maybe Natalie's mum that said that he looked like Julian He in her times etc 'cause he sounded reallyyyyy tua. And we were like laughing like mad asses and the doorbell TING TONG-ED.
Tuition was okaaaaaaay ah, but he kept tsk-ing around and imitating my actions -__- He was kinda shocked to see our marks O: Hahaaaaaaa stupid people exist FYI. -.-
Tuition stretched till almost 8pm 'cause I insisted that he teach Qn 5. Then i sent him off outta my house first (menghalaunya HAHHA) then sent Chuf off at the bustop. Skali see him crossing the road WTF kan. I was like, huh? And he said that he couldn't cross from just now. HAHAH anak mak kepeeeeee tak tau cross
Okay I'm so bad. And you know what (What?) Abah was like a lil happy tonight. You know (do you?) he always get more grrrrr when I say I study. Cause I don't study when he's around, macam tak selesa gitukan. So he has never seen me study till today. Am I supposed to cheer now? *cheers*
I don't get it why we have to pamper them so much. Like we never get this much of attention when we were juniors. Haiyoooooooh
Stop making it hard for me. You ignored me like I'm some bacin sampah on the floor And today you treated me like you've never seen a sister for gazillion years Eh what the hell man
Dah lah. You know my neck is like aching.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
Sunday morning
CCA Display
2nd daaaaaaay
First day
Farewell 2007
If only
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger