2nd daaaaaaay
Dammit, Ahmad looks thin and I look faaaaaat.

Was damn slacky please 'cause 4/3 has no teachers in class. Ong SK kan orientation thingyyyy nyer orang. So crapped (like really crap!) in class and outside class And Farahin was dancing like Britney when Fee, Nad and me were singing She was sucha sexy whore, ahaaaha. I wanna rebond my fringeeeeee ):
And Justin Ng Zhen Yang is our Physics teacher like again Bastard siakkkkkkk like the whole class is gonna fail again(?) Oh and they were like asking who's teaching us maths and Huijie (monitor! :D) said David Lim. Skali itu David Lim appear at the door lollll
After school went for COH dammmit that makcik lah, shall not elab any further. -_- Ms/Mdm J couldn't come 'cause she had to rest Preggo.
Everyone (including auntie Jiawen) kinda finished the jigsaw puzzle that Shafiqa and I started on 7th Dec, hahahaaaaa and ended didn't know how to preserve it. Meeting was so much fun and I'm glad that everyone is working togeda happily YAAAAAAAAAAAY omg really YAAAAAAAY! :D
And I'm still coughing and Chufang mei/twinny/Mother of PopPatrol forbidded me to eat lollipop. Aww so sweet kan Then when she wasn't looking I ate a cookie while hiding behind Shuyi's back. And guess what I COUGHED LIKE CRAZY sial. Sorry ah Chuf i shall listen to you. Nyeahahaaaaaaaaas (this sounds evil gitu eh)
Wrestled with Shafiqa for her to take bus 30 instead of 11 to JP Damn her bag scratched my arms tauuuuu )): ABANG was there too and he's kinda like -____- 'cause we were like sec1s hahahaaa YOUNG AT HEART laaaaaaah
Kecoh in 30. Sending themes all over the place Mentang-mentanglah semua Sony Erricson~ And they're like amused 'cause my name was UPAPA Kata OMAMA, so change to UPAPA lah Chuf was like so damn jealous kat tepi, the only Nokia mah. Kesiaaaaaaaaaaan
Slacked at MacD with the Gs while Jasmine and Angelia went to Popular they took a wholeeeeee long time there We were reading ladybird books that I brought for Zhisheng aka Chuf's lil bro in K2 And Chuf spilled water onto Nurul's phone NEW phone ahhhhhhhh hahahaaaaaaa
Bought OCK togeda with Sweetheart and Dotty Sweetheart was like, the sotong very nice (repeating) And i was like, yah because you very sotong ;)
179-ed, Shafiqa 11-ed. Home and sleep and bathe and blog. Chatting with dearest Oriole Oma and O-baby and i just said I'm dating O'levels and giving it fullest attention Chehhhhhhh sound so devoted Nanti results macam shit aahhahaha And korang eh jangan sembarang meneka Mister ku yah. He's HISTORYYYYYYYY woohoo
woohoo I just realised that my friendster comments reached 1000 haaahaah like i don't care about comments so kinda shocked oh and i'm deleting "friends" you know those that added that became mute -.-! And yes last message to Mister Don't WOAH~ at me Like i know it means something else Or whatever bullshit Yahoooooooo you can go die byebye