Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Farahin's 16th
1. Happy 16th, Farahin! ILY, baby! :D 2. Updates on UG Day.
Actually we were like going on with th wet weather plan 'cause Nurul was insisting that it would rain 'cause Stanleytan has th thunder signal from his phone -.- And then Shafiqa, Kaiting, Jasmine C and th rest were like ignoring 'cause they 10000% believed that it won't rain (and don't believe in forecasts) And it didnt! :D
Ok ok - Turfing and firelighting (cross training w/NCC and NPCC) Boy th NCC juniors are so damn weak I bet we can do better than 'em lah! Kinda disappointing, cheh
Oh and Omar has th same watch as me *feewit* okay lah not th same. His is like Edmund's Wait, Omar and Edmund has th same watches?? Lollllll NPCC wasn't too bad *woohoo* And there's a pit dug by NCC Staff, and then firelighted by ITMR boys (who is sooo much better than NCC, seriously) But gundu:
ITMR: Angeliaaaaaa, got big fire already! Now what to do?? Angie: Orh, you must stand on top of th fire to keep it warm! ITMR: Orh, okay! And all of them supported each other and stood on top of the fire -.-
They had Captain's Ball while me, Shafiqa, Shuyi, Jasmine C & Angelia cleaned up And ITMR boys were so gentlemen that they'll do what I asked them to *yay!* We were like sad But had tonnes of fun cheering for our brother scouts! JSS SCREAMING EAGLES AH!
Hhaaaah i remembered th times when I wanted to quit GG and join Scouts, so funny.
Dinner was very _______. We (Sec4&5s) didn't have th appetite to eat And Shafiqa and I couldn't stop laughing when th drink came HAHHAHA! :D
Campfire was alright, :D Emcees are so cute lah! Pb & Atiq. Carry the apekkkk NCC wasn't really singing, I think we should give them a song session one day -.- Okay aku lame sak. Anw I sat with Shuyi and Chufang *yahoooooo* And we won Scavenger Huntttttttt!
Went home in 154 w/Shuyi, Shafiqa & Rafeedha And slept zzzz
Jasmine C started crying and infected me And Reenah got infected So Coconut Prawn and th Bimbos were crying 'cause we were thinking of th same thing Heh
And I can't wait for Thinking Day 2008.
Th day before UG Day: Preparing for Kim's Game (wet weather plan) Look at Chufang!
Th trainee and th cook.
NCC finally paying attention!

Shafiqa look so cacat ahhaha.
 They'll go like, Owhhhhhh each time th cangkul enters the ground -.- Spot Endy!   Endy :D  Kenneth "checking" on his guys when he has no idea too, so cute!  Preparing for NCC.  Khairul dug our pit *woohoo* And Haiqal, Omar and Joseph are th spectators -.- And he was so bangga and kept saying, "Eh macam cake lah"
 Yongkang and Leonard trying out (ahhhh this is the NCC+ITMR pit)  On th gateway!  Rainbowwww. Someone said, "I think this is th first time that Singapore has rainbow." Wahkao Chufang and I laughed like hellll  Gatewayyyyy  HAHAHA Don't praypray I got th USM on camera He looks like poledancing, but hahha.  OMAR looks like he's catwalking.  And Haiqal thinks world peace.  WEI EN! WEI EN!  NPCC  Guides  My twinny and my pumpkin :D  Red Cross  NCC  Scouts  Chuf, Adel, Nzr & Jas! Niyah spoilerrrrrrr ahaaaa.  Campfire: After  LOVELOVELOVE.  I wanted to take the amount of people waiting for 154, but flash concentrate on these two only. Thus, this picture -__-  And 2005 Dovey chipmunksssssss <3333 Th middle is my PL. Patrol Leader/Phoenix Lian
Okay dah!
Farahin's 16th
1. Happy 16th, Farahin! ILY, baby! :D 2. Updates on UG Day.
Actually we were like going on with th wet weather plan 'cause Nurul was insisting that it would rain 'cause Stanleytan has th thunder signal from his phone -.- And then Shafiqa, Kaiting, Jasmine C and th rest were like ignoring 'cause they 10000% believed that it won't rain (and don't believe in forecasts) And it didnt! :D
Ok ok - Turfing and firelighting (cross training w/NCC and NPCC) Boy th NCC juniors are so damn weak I bet we can do better than 'em lah! Kinda disappointing, cheh
Oh and Omar has th same watch as me *feewit* okay lah not th same. His is like Edmund's Wait, Omar and Edmund has th same watches?? Lollllll NPCC wasn't too bad *woohoo* And there's a pit dug by NCC Staff, and then firelighted by ITMR boys (who is sooo much better than NCC, seriously) But gundu:
ITMR: Angeliaaaaaa, got big fire already! Now what to do?? Angie: Orh, you must stand on top of th fire to keep it warm! ITMR: Orh, okay! And all of them supported each other and stood on top of the fire -.-
They had Captain's Ball while me, Shafiqa, Shuyi, Jasmine C & Angelia cleaned up And ITMR boys were so gentlemen that they'll do what I asked them to *yay!* We were like sad But had tonnes of fun cheering for our brother scouts! JSS SCREAMING EAGLES AH!
Hhaaaah i remembered th times when I wanted to quit GG and join Scouts, so funny.
Dinner was very _______. We (Sec4&5s) didn't have th appetite to eat And Shafiqa and I couldn't stop laughing when th drink came HAHHAHA! :D
Campfire was alright, :D Emcees are so cute lah! Pb & Atiq. Carry the apekkkk NCC wasn't really singing, I think we should give them a song session one day -.- Okay aku lame sak. Anw I sat with Shuyi and Chufang *yahoooooo* And we won Scavenger Huntttttttt!
Went home in 154 w/Shuyi, Shafiqa & Rafeedha And slept zzzz
Jasmine C started crying and infected me And Reenah got infected So Coconut Prawn and th Bimbos were crying 'cause we were thinking of th same thing Heh
And I can't wait for Thinking Day 2008.
Th day before UG Day: Preparing for Kim's Game (wet weather plan) Look at Chufang!
Th trainee and th cook.
NCC finally paying attention!

Shafiqa look so cacat ahhaha.
 They'll go like, Owhhhhhh each time th cangkul enters the ground -.- Spot Endy!   Endy :D  Kenneth "checking" on his guys when he has no idea too, so cute!  Preparing for NCC.  Khairul dug our pit *woohoo* And Haiqal, Omar and Joseph are th spectators -.- And he was so bangga and kept saying, "Eh macam cake lah"
 Yongkang and Leonard trying out (ahhhh this is the NCC+ITMR pit)  On th gateway!  Rainbowwww. Someone said, "I think this is th first time that Singapore has rainbow." Wahkao Chufang and I laughed like hellll  Gatewayyyyy  HAHAHA Don't praypray I got th USM on camera He looks like poledancing, but hahha.  OMAR looks like he's catwalking.  And Haiqal thinks world peace.  WEI EN! WEI EN!  NPCC  Guides  My twinny and my pumpkin :D  Red Cross  NCC  Scouts  Chuf, Adel, Nzr & Jas! Niyah spoilerrrrrrr ahaaaa.  Campfire: After  LOVELOVELOVE.  I wanted to take the amount of people waiting for 154, but flash concentrate on these two only. Thus, this picture -__-  And 2005 Dovey chipmunksssssss <3333 Th middle is my PL. Patrol Leader/Phoenix Lian
Okay dah!
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
UG Day & Changtong's 16th
Sec 4 Life
Hey ladys what's your promise?
Sunday morning
CCA Display
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger