Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
OMG gas are shooting out like a race
My phone is traded-in for the new Sony Ericson shaking phone whatever cool shit. HAHA don't be jealous okayxzxzxz! 'Cause that phone is going to my FATHER -_- & I'll get his phone~ Hah nevermind at least Cybershot kan!
But I miss my NOKIA 6151 like F*** nowwwww! Haiyaaaaaahhhhh all Your messages gone D': Whatever eh.
Today sent Mama and Amy to work then Abah and I went to the exbihitions - Starhub (and the phone stuff....), SHARP and Popular.
Saw alot of people going out of the SHARP place with big goodie bags, so Singapore's-kiasuism-spirit, we went there. Skali kena halau, prohibited to enter. "It's only by invitation." -____-
Then at Popular not much things eh. All Primary School to Lower sec things. *EHEM* I'm searching for Sec4 stuffs please. TAUFIK was like supposed to perform at the Popular thing (EH WTF TAUFIK YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE AT ASIAN IDOL), so I insisted on waiting. Then saw the poster, it's at SIX PM. GAH forget it ah.
Anyhows TAUFIK BATISAH still rockxzxzxz. Hot ah lu! (:
Wanted to get 2nd-hand books from Bras Basah but carpark full. LOL people wants the condition of the books to be good. But ME? The PRICES to be good. Hell with the condition, less than a year with that book anyway!
EH ALAAAAAAHHHHH I wanted to get ELLE'S DECEMBER ISSUE (the magazine i mean!) but now it's the JANUARY ISSUE already. Kancheong spider gilerrrrr kan! I was soooo interested in getting it (but i forgot why -.-)
THEN AMY GOT $150 FOR GOOD PROGRESS AWARDDDDDDDDD WTF. He's filthy rich nowwwwww siakkkkkkk! If I knew, right from the start I should have gone to 3/2 seh. (tho 3/3 people rocks heh) Results will be better I guess, for the sciences. Why do I need PURE anyway, not that I'm going to be some Physician or Chemist or something~
PEOPLE! REMEMBER TO SUPPORT HADY MIRZA AT ASIAN IDOL OKAY! I don't care if you don't like him or whatever la, just VOTE! Even once will do. (Wah promoting nampak!) YES MUST VOTE AH! I think during the results show, PETERPAN & AGNES MONICA will be performing! So must watch ah, my boyfriend (Ariel) will be performing. And my sister (Agnes) too. No I'm not prasan-ing now, it's all fate. All start with letter A! :D
AHAHHA WHAT THE FISH I blogged so much already. Toodles, I'm going to shit and I just farted like a motorboat.
OMG gas are shooting out like a race
My phone is traded-in for the new Sony Ericson shaking phone whatever cool shit. HAHA don't be jealous okayxzxzxz! 'Cause that phone is going to my FATHER -_- & I'll get his phone~ Hah nevermind at least Cybershot kan!
But I miss my NOKIA 6151 like F*** nowwwww! Haiyaaaaaahhhhh all Your messages gone D': Whatever eh.
Today sent Mama and Amy to work then Abah and I went to the exbihitions - Starhub (and the phone stuff....), SHARP and Popular.
Saw alot of people going out of the SHARP place with big goodie bags, so Singapore's-kiasuism-spirit, we went there. Skali kena halau, prohibited to enter. "It's only by invitation." -____-
Then at Popular not much things eh. All Primary School to Lower sec things. *EHEM* I'm searching for Sec4 stuffs please. TAUFIK was like supposed to perform at the Popular thing (EH WTF TAUFIK YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE AT ASIAN IDOL), so I insisted on waiting. Then saw the poster, it's at SIX PM. GAH forget it ah.
Anyhows TAUFIK BATISAH still rockxzxzxz. Hot ah lu! (:
Wanted to get 2nd-hand books from Bras Basah but carpark full. LOL people wants the condition of the books to be good. But ME? The PRICES to be good. Hell with the condition, less than a year with that book anyway!
EH ALAAAAAAHHHHH I wanted to get ELLE'S DECEMBER ISSUE (the magazine i mean!) but now it's the JANUARY ISSUE already. Kancheong spider gilerrrrr kan! I was soooo interested in getting it (but i forgot why -.-)
THEN AMY GOT $150 FOR GOOD PROGRESS AWARDDDDDDDDD WTF. He's filthy rich nowwwwww siakkkkkkk! If I knew, right from the start I should have gone to 3/2 seh. (tho 3/3 people rocks heh) Results will be better I guess, for the sciences. Why do I need PURE anyway, not that I'm going to be some Physician or Chemist or something~
PEOPLE! REMEMBER TO SUPPORT HADY MIRZA AT ASIAN IDOL OKAY! I don't care if you don't like him or whatever la, just VOTE! Even once will do. (Wah promoting nampak!) YES MUST VOTE AH! I think during the results show, PETERPAN & AGNES MONICA will be performing! So must watch ah, my boyfriend (Ariel) will be performing. And my sister (Agnes) too. No I'm not prasan-ing now, it's all fate. All start with letter A! :D
AHAHHA WHAT THE FISH I blogged so much already. Toodles, I'm going to shit and I just farted like a motorboat.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
Aliens blog updated
Day with dearest and baby!
cant wait cant wait!
what if
holiday over the causeway
khairul amri rockxzxzxz
JSS Girl Guides Sesame Street Camp 2007
Orioleys are the bomb! (:
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
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Host: blogger