Day with dearest and baby!
the prasans! <33

Yesterday went out with AFIQAH DEAREST AND FARAHIN BABY (who were 50 mins late) so sms-ed O-baby and a lil bit of Mat while waiting.
Nad, WANI and Nurul could have come along, but we missed them. Yadayada~ Eat at Causeway's Seoul Garden. Didn't give chance seh, just eat and eat. Made a hell lot of noise sial, really! (biasalah, tengoklah aku saper.)
And there's this SUPER DUPER MEGA ULTRA CUTE GUY working there! At first cuma dearest yang tergila-gilakan dia, then her kecoh-ness got me to notice him. Then AKU yang got infected and also got mad over him. Baby was like -.- korang eh... But ended up also crazy over him HAHAHAA!
Then that wubber cute person came to take the bowl of sampah (leftover of kerang and prawns) which so sway, was in front of me 'cause I was the last to put my sampah. So paiseh 'cause he might have tot that all the sampah was from me OMGGGG.
Then right, itu baby ambil kesempatan go and ask him for more tomyam soup. Then she kept holding the handle of the jug to get his DNA or smth. GRRRRRR.
Baby: Kau ingat aper, kedai bapak kau kepe? Dearest: Memang per, nama aku kan Nurul Afiqah Bte Siol/Seoul Okay lame siak. Super aloooooot of laughter! :D
JIWA B SEKARANG. Aku takda masa, masa pun takda aku. Kita nak neoprint, neoprint pun nak kita.
HAHA LOL. What the, I was wearing GREEN(!) and then the background was green, so my tee was like changing colours in every picture -____-"
OH I FORGOT. We were the selengers that were prasan-ing. Prasan baby, prasan cute & prasan mat saleh.
Then went home early 'cause Mr Fuat wants me home by Maghrib (HAHAH I don't even know the REAL TIME for Maghrib)
So camwhored abit in 179, though the pics aren't that nice (realllyyyyy because of me, sad thing) but okay la. Shall wait for that pemalas fee to send.
YAY AFIQAH AND I LOVES MR & MK! :D Eh lelaki kental okay per. Daripada kau nyer tu, walaupun hot, tapi R lah!
So overall = GEREK BANGAT SIH! :D
Okay I dreamt of MK again (gosh who had a crush on ____), Chingyee's malaysia portal door (which I ALWAYS dream of, like episodes like that!), Shafiqa & Reenah climbing my block like spiderman, Kaiting making a harnest out of some rope and some other stuff. Sheeesh i think i'll edit-this-post/update-again later 'cause Mr Fuat wants to play again soon.