super lovely day out with wani & fee!

yesterday outing with wani and fee was lovely please! omfg i miss them muchhhh ;DDD and wani is jambuuuuu beb! ok ok fee also la, tho i see her in school, so dah muak la gitu lol. (oops)
yeah so we went to fareast shopping centre -.- and then sesat while finding wisma atria when it's so near lol! to find wani's friend at starbucks tapi tak ketemu. then sesat again to find fareast plaza. like we were walking in rounds all the time.
and then we reached hyatt. and we were like: takkan lah sampai hyatt kan? (cannot be until hyatt right?) so we turned back to the mrt and started calling nad and yadayada. and it turned out that the plaza was just beside hyatt. we could have reached there long time ago -.- and we past the daerah there so much!
wani wanted keds shoes but didnt get any. and we were like starving! hampir mati kebuluran. (ok melebih-lebih)
fee and me went bugis while wani met her friends for sastera thingy. and then bugis village-d and yadayada. yaaaaaaaaay i got two tees and a cardigan~ lol we were like seeing all the sesame street tees and then felt abit geram, so we were like: alah, kitorg nyer lagi lawa..
and then went esplanade sekejap with the intention to camwhore but tak menjadi again. so went marina square cause fee was craving for mccafe caramel thingyyy. and then we were sesat again in marina sq -.- oh oh! we saw barneyyyyyy performing on stage! and fee went gaga!
then we finally found our way and balik kampung. and i was still in the hyperrrrr mood like lol.
i think there's like virus in this lappy or something. ah whatever it is it aint my fault cause it happened after amy used. and i dont install ANYTHING into this lappy and i only go blogs and friendster and no other website. i dont even go lead lol.
OH OH BEFORE I FORGOTTTTT. a cuteeeeeee guy came to us and said: excuse me, may i know the time? so we were like kind right so fee said: 2.50pm and he was like: i think your watch spoil and we were like HUH? (cause if our watch spoil why he ask us or whatever shite) and he took out a colourful file and went: IT'S CHARITY TIME! (with the cute face grinning) fee went haha -___- but wani and me went HAHAHAAAA cause really takleh angkat!
and he went to the girls beside us: excuse me, you dropped something so they looked at the ground and he went: i know what you're looking for they were like HUH? (like us la) and again he took out the file grinning and said: CHARITY!
hah fucking cute i tell you. at least he tried la but lol.
didnt manage to take loads of pics with wani but we shall meet up again in the holidays i hope! (:
from my 1.3 megapixel sucky phone: