Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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Confessions Quiz by Beng. @ Mac with Goaties-Mama&A*Mei#2
SCHOOL CONFESSIONS [x] Talked back to a teacher. [x] Been kicked out of class. [ ] Worn pajamas to school. [x] Had your tooth fall out at school. [x] Gotten lost in your school. {When it was the first day in XNPS.} [x] Broken the dress code in school. [x] Completely failed in a test. [x] Left the class without asking. [ ] Missed a whole week of school. [x] Thrown up in school. [x] Been beaten up at school.
HOME LIFE CONFESSIONS [x] Argue with your parents a lot. [xxx] Argue with your brother(s) a lot. [ ] Argue with your sister(s) a lot. [x] Have your own room. [x] Do your own laundry. [ ] Cook dinner once in a while. [x] Are loud and obnoxious at home. [x] Wear pajamas when you are not going anywhere. [x] You sleep in very long. [ ] Your parents are separated. [x] One or both of your grandparents live with you. {Before Tokwan-grandma in Terengganu language- left for kampung.}
FRIEND CONFESSIONS [x] You currently dislike one or more of your friends. [x] You are jealous of one or more of your friends. [x] You have known a friend your wholelife. [ ] You have been ditched by a friend. [x] You have memorized friends phone numbers. [x] You have lost/forgotten a friend's phone number. [ ] You have been to all of your friends' houses before.
HABIT CONFESSIONS [ ] You bite your nails. [ ] You have an odd obsession with giraffes. [ ]You cannot sleep with the door closed. [ ]You cannot sleep with the door open. [x] There is at least one kind of sound you cannot stand.
LOVE CONFESSIONS [x] You currently like someone [ ] You want to kill one of ur exes. [ ] You can stay committed for an unusually long time. [ ] You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily. [ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you a idiot before. [ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you self-centered before.
PERSONAL OPINION CONFESSIONS [ ] Gay marriage is fine by you. [x] The beach is an excellent place for a date. [ ] Pink is an ugly color. (: [x] Needles aren't so horrible
HAVE YOU EVER CONFESSIONS [x] Fallen down the stairs [ ] Someone has tied your shoelaces together. {I did it to people.} [ ] Had a nail fall off. {That sounds gross btw!} [ ] Had surgery. [x] Slapped someone across the face. [ ] Killed someone. [ ] You have been to Europe. [ ] You have been to Canada. [x] You have worn something inside out for a whole day
From Beng's blog. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok. Blahblahblahsssss. Baktiar's lesson wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. :D
Baktiar: Mr Lappen's outside. (Pronounces as LAA-pen) Adln: Haha! LAA-pen! Lappen: Baktiar. (She just calls him by the name lohh) Baktiar: Yes? Lappen: I'm Miss what? Baktiar: Oh sorry, Miss Lappen. (Pronounces correctly) Lappen: -.-
Lappen went out of the class aft SS ends. She came in agn. But Darren was about to announce something... Lappen was just beside him. :D
Darren: Eh Class! Three3: *noises Darren: Who's Lappen's SS rep ah? (Lemme emphasize, he didn't say Miss) Lappen: What did you just call me? Three3: *lol-ing like crazy Darren: Oh sorry-sorry! *paiseh* Who's Miss Lappen's SS rep?
Had fun with AhGong, Gor & Mei!
To some people! When you all have a change of plan, please inform me. I'm the only one from Three3! Expecting some scolding from naggyqueens tmr although it's partially not my fault.
& TO SOME PEOPLE WHOM I NEED TO GIVE A PIECE OF MY MIND TO. People who work hard, & reeeeaaaalllyyyyy do their things, doesn't get any credits. People who just have fucking attitudes & mindsets & are pure attention seekers, get recognition. Furthermore, they got more authority than those who deserved more. How Long am I gng to hold on. & Tolerate, all this bullshite? I hate it. Life is unfair, I know that fact. But we can try to make it fair. But some-people are just taking this for granted. Even if y'all got credits for doing-nothing, y'all should just improve yourselves, & try to play your part right? B-but NO. Y'all are just plain arrogant freaks that takes things for granted. & those who are all tired out from working hard & getting nothing for the efforts, have to just bear with it. Furthermore, have to accept blames when the whole organisation falls. & When there's a confrontation, y'all who have put in lesser effort said, "those-who-deserved-more-de-people" are not ready to take the challenge. Fuck off nahhs! Plus the favouritisms and all that. What did y'all do to get all this? What have "those-who-deserved-more-de-people" have not done? I can't deny that y'all are better speakers & more outspoken than the rest. That's why y'all seem like great. [Fuck all this bullshite.] B-but do y'all know that I think y'all are just the worst of the whole lot? & I don't get this. There's a girl named Jane. 2 people just simply hates her to the core, but the others? We like her as a friend. However, she treats the both of them like angels from heaven. But the others? Maybe we don't even exist in her eyes.
OH WELL. LIFE GOES ON. how long am i gng to hold on? Just send me off to the Army. I think I'd be better off that way. Everyone is equally treated.
Confessions Quiz by Beng. @ Mac with Goaties-Mama&A*Mei#2
SCHOOL CONFESSIONS [x] Talked back to a teacher. [x] Been kicked out of class. [ ] Worn pajamas to school. [x] Had your tooth fall out at school. [x] Gotten lost in your school. {When it was the first day in XNPS.} [x] Broken the dress code in school. [x] Completely failed in a test. [x] Left the class without asking. [ ] Missed a whole week of school. [x] Thrown up in school. [x] Been beaten up at school.
HOME LIFE CONFESSIONS [x] Argue with your parents a lot. [xxx] Argue with your brother(s) a lot. [ ] Argue with your sister(s) a lot. [x] Have your own room. [x] Do your own laundry. [ ] Cook dinner once in a while. [x] Are loud and obnoxious at home. [x] Wear pajamas when you are not going anywhere. [x] You sleep in very long. [ ] Your parents are separated. [x] One or both of your grandparents live with you. {Before Tokwan-grandma in Terengganu language- left for kampung.}
FRIEND CONFESSIONS [x] You currently dislike one or more of your friends. [x] You are jealous of one or more of your friends. [x] You have known a friend your wholelife. [ ] You have been ditched by a friend. [x] You have memorized friends phone numbers. [x] You have lost/forgotten a friend's phone number. [ ] You have been to all of your friends' houses before.
HABIT CONFESSIONS [ ] You bite your nails. [ ] You have an odd obsession with giraffes. [ ]You cannot sleep with the door closed. [ ]You cannot sleep with the door open. [x] There is at least one kind of sound you cannot stand.
LOVE CONFESSIONS [x] You currently like someone [ ] You want to kill one of ur exes. [ ] You can stay committed for an unusually long time. [ ] You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily. [ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you a idiot before. [ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you self-centered before.
PERSONAL OPINION CONFESSIONS [ ] Gay marriage is fine by you. [x] The beach is an excellent place for a date. [ ] Pink is an ugly color. (: [x] Needles aren't so horrible
HAVE YOU EVER CONFESSIONS [x] Fallen down the stairs [ ] Someone has tied your shoelaces together. {I did it to people.} [ ] Had a nail fall off. {That sounds gross btw!} [ ] Had surgery. [x] Slapped someone across the face. [ ] Killed someone. [ ] You have been to Europe. [ ] You have been to Canada. [x] You have worn something inside out for a whole day
From Beng's blog. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok. Blahblahblahsssss. Baktiar's lesson wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. :D
Baktiar: Mr Lappen's outside. (Pronounces as LAA-pen) Adln: Haha! LAA-pen! Lappen: Baktiar. (She just calls him by the name lohh) Baktiar: Yes? Lappen: I'm Miss what? Baktiar: Oh sorry, Miss Lappen. (Pronounces correctly) Lappen: -.-
Lappen went out of the class aft SS ends. She came in agn. But Darren was about to announce something... Lappen was just beside him. :D
Darren: Eh Class! Three3: *noises Darren: Who's Lappen's SS rep ah? (Lemme emphasize, he didn't say Miss) Lappen: What did you just call me? Three3: *lol-ing like crazy Darren: Oh sorry-sorry! *paiseh* Who's Miss Lappen's SS rep?
Had fun with AhGong, Gor & Mei!
To some people! When you all have a change of plan, please inform me. I'm the only one from Three3! Expecting some scolding from naggyqueens tmr although it's partially not my fault.
& TO SOME PEOPLE WHOM I NEED TO GIVE A PIECE OF MY MIND TO. People who work hard, & reeeeaaaalllyyyyy do their things, doesn't get any credits. People who just have fucking attitudes & mindsets & are pure attention seekers, get recognition. Furthermore, they got more authority than those who deserved more. How Long am I gng to hold on. & Tolerate, all this bullshite? I hate it. Life is unfair, I know that fact. But we can try to make it fair. But some-people are just taking this for granted. Even if y'all got credits for doing-nothing, y'all should just improve yourselves, & try to play your part right? B-but NO. Y'all are just plain arrogant freaks that takes things for granted. & those who are all tired out from working hard & getting nothing for the efforts, have to just bear with it. Furthermore, have to accept blames when the whole organisation falls. & When there's a confrontation, y'all who have put in lesser effort said, "those-who-deserved-more-de-people" are not ready to take the challenge. Fuck off nahhs! Plus the favouritisms and all that. What did y'all do to get all this? What have "those-who-deserved-more-de-people" have not done? I can't deny that y'all are better speakers & more outspoken than the rest. That's why y'all seem like great. [Fuck all this bullshite.] B-but do y'all know that I think y'all are just the worst of the whole lot? & I don't get this. There's a girl named Jane. 2 people just simply hates her to the core, but the others? We like her as a friend. However, she treats the both of them like angels from heaven. But the others? Maybe we don't even exist in her eyes.
OH WELL. LIFE GOES ON. how long am i gng to hold on? Just send me off to the Army. I think I'd be better off that way. Everyone is equally treated.
you wanna piece of me
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