Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Updates with Pics
Yesterday got my new specs le, but didn't wear it at school. LOL. Mr Bakhtiar merajuk luh. I played a part also la, I slept when he was sulking. But that did not give that fucking Si Si to slam her Princess book on my table. Fuck YOU, in Capital F & Y-O-U. You could have did that to Ann Perng or Guan Sen (not that I want her to), but you chose to stretch your sexay body to give me a hell of a wake-up. Sheeeeeesh. I can't stand chio princesses. Or maybe, I just can't stand Princess Guo Si Si alone. :D
STAR. Had dance. I finally mastered FarahD's dance. Cheh, master sehh. I got th steps right la. Kak Fai & Kak Izzah came! & the guys finally got proper steps to work on. @ Guides Den. Chuf got on top of the cupboard. Don't ask me, when I came, she was already at th tower. If you have seen our den, there's the yellow cupboard right? She was on top. LOL. & to Miss Ong, E Maths tcher, we destroyed th good luck thingy. Ms J said it's a wasp.
Jiahui & I hit our heads together. REAL BADLY. Had some concussion la, the both of us. Lol. The KOK! sound was so loud. Takecare hor. My headache's not too bad alr. <33
& WANI! How did you get my link aye? I miss our P. Schoool days! Must hang out with You & Feeqah soon, aft MYE alright! *huggggggs.
&& some lame-o pics.
Yesterday, discovered the good luck home of the wasp. 4th pic = the paint of the glass of the bus looked like mens.
 Hiak hiak.  Guides Carnival tickets.  1. In 154. 2. I haven't been wearing gloss for a long time. 3. Abah. 4. My table number = 21 = love!  Compare & Contrast. (:  Teacher's standard. -.-  Dancing in PBL Studio. Daron & James so enthu. Kak Fai's stripping. Lol. 
 Chuf Mei!  To the lib, to the brary. Library!  Braces.  & best bra!  @ Banquet. In Camp Training tee! 

 Liberty Market~. 

 Escalator...  -.-! 
I'm done. :) Have a good daynight, people. Wtf? That's so random. P)
Updates with Pics
Yesterday got my new specs le, but didn't wear it at school. LOL. Mr Bakhtiar merajuk luh. I played a part also la, I slept when he was sulking. But that did not give that fucking Si Si to slam her Princess book on my table. Fuck YOU, in Capital F & Y-O-U. You could have did that to Ann Perng or Guan Sen (not that I want her to), but you chose to stretch your sexay body to give me a hell of a wake-up. Sheeeeeesh. I can't stand chio princesses. Or maybe, I just can't stand Princess Guo Si Si alone. :D
STAR. Had dance. I finally mastered FarahD's dance. Cheh, master sehh. I got th steps right la. Kak Fai & Kak Izzah came! & the guys finally got proper steps to work on. @ Guides Den. Chuf got on top of the cupboard. Don't ask me, when I came, she was already at th tower. If you have seen our den, there's the yellow cupboard right? She was on top. LOL. & to Miss Ong, E Maths tcher, we destroyed th good luck thingy. Ms J said it's a wasp.
Jiahui & I hit our heads together. REAL BADLY. Had some concussion la, the both of us. Lol. The KOK! sound was so loud. Takecare hor. My headache's not too bad alr. <33
& WANI! How did you get my link aye? I miss our P. Schoool days! Must hang out with You & Feeqah soon, aft MYE alright! *huggggggs.
&& some lame-o pics.
Yesterday, discovered the good luck home of the wasp. 4th pic = the paint of the glass of the bus looked like mens.
 Hiak hiak.  Guides Carnival tickets.  1. In 154. 2. I haven't been wearing gloss for a long time. 3. Abah. 4. My table number = 21 = love!  Compare & Contrast. (:  Teacher's standard. -.-  Dancing in PBL Studio. Daron & James so enthu. Kak Fai's stripping. Lol. 
 Chuf Mei!  To the lib, to the brary. Library!  Braces.  & best bra!  @ Banquet. In Camp Training tee! 

 Liberty Market~. 

 Escalator...  -.-! 
I'm done. :) Have a good daynight, people. Wtf? That's so random. P)
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
New specs
Pics in new ORANGE specs
Volleyball finals.
Napfa, & belated pics.
& i think they're falling for you boy.
Jiayou for Napfa people.& Happy belated Internatio...
So little time
Stressed over MYE, Dance, Love & Life.
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger