Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Speech Day
Went to school with Yongkang, Kenneth & Nicholas in 154. NCC. (: Got th Guides Den key. Panicked as Aziela KAKAK who was bringing my longggg socks was late. But she came! :D
Had mini-trainings. Ct, Kin & th rest came. Not Liana. :x
Mama, as in my real mother, came also. That kpo lady. Haha. ;D
Th real parade was on. We sucked. Terribly. The whole contingent. It's as if we didn't train at all, when we had footdrill everyday. Fine, maybe I was th only one who cocked up. Brought th whole contingent down. My eyes were kind of watery when we stepped into th red service road. But I held on. Bid Mama farewell~ *bye!
Went to th Guides den, & to th NCC Room to find bro & Part C cadets. Then met Jas H. Then th tears came. Could not tahan lah. I'm glad there's someone to share my feelingsssss openly. Jas H! :')
Everyone keeps saying, there's always NDP. There's always next year. There's always a next time. But...
Ms Lin wanted to take pictures of us, but I declined. How can I have a photo taken when my eyes were swollen, & nose red?
Slacked in th canteen to accompany Nurul, Jojo & secONES. Before that, I was chasing Kenneth & Changtong goR to take pic, but to no avail. :( Yay, James came to my rescue. *muacks. Lol. Y-A-P looked so shuai~
Went to MacD. "Followed" NCC seniors, YueHao & all. Th guy whom I have forgotten his name but came from 4-3'06 was smoking. Nutt, Aziela, Chuf & I ended up following th super scary ad about "smoking causes cancer."
McChicken. Then bumped into someone outside th male washroom. Alamak, wrong person. Hahah!
Then Khairul came & th NCC people sang for him a birthday song. So, Happy 16th! Lols. They bashed him up luh. So scary. But th juniors are rude lahhh. :x
Walked around & around in JP for a while, & especially in World of Sports & Kiddy Palace. Since Kiddy Palace is Aziela's blog url. Hah. We had this girl talk going on th wholeeeeeeeee time. :D So fun can? It's like, undescribable.
Oh, & we found a baby Adidas shoe in th middle of nowhere. Since it looks nice & it's Adidas(!), I decided to be a good soul & put it among th display of Bata's shoe sales. I hope someone buys it. LOLS. :D
Adln: {talking about negative stuff} Aziela: Eh, if you really like someone, then you'll talk about all this bad things leh. Adln: Har? Adln: But really what... {continues} Not that I purposely think about it lah, but then, nevermind.
On th way to send Aziela to th station. Told her about that incident. Hurhur. & I'm back~ Even bro said Guides contingent wasn't nice. :(
To Aziela, I think you take O lah. :D No part-timing my one hor. "OH HI!" boleh dapatkan kau dua gaji. (:
& Happy 15th & 16th to Jiaxin & Khairul! :D
Jiaxin's on th left, with Weiqi. He's at th back row, second from th right. Part D'07! (I think.)
 Upload th photos taken just now another time! :D
Speech Day
Went to school with Yongkang, Kenneth & Nicholas in 154. NCC. (: Got th Guides Den key. Panicked as Aziela KAKAK who was bringing my longggg socks was late. But she came! :D
Had mini-trainings. Ct, Kin & th rest came. Not Liana. :x
Mama, as in my real mother, came also. That kpo lady. Haha. ;D
Th real parade was on. We sucked. Terribly. The whole contingent. It's as if we didn't train at all, when we had footdrill everyday. Fine, maybe I was th only one who cocked up. Brought th whole contingent down. My eyes were kind of watery when we stepped into th red service road. But I held on. Bid Mama farewell~ *bye!
Went to th Guides den, & to th NCC Room to find bro & Part C cadets. Then met Jas H. Then th tears came. Could not tahan lah. I'm glad there's someone to share my feelingsssss openly. Jas H! :')
Everyone keeps saying, there's always NDP. There's always next year. There's always a next time. But...
Ms Lin wanted to take pictures of us, but I declined. How can I have a photo taken when my eyes were swollen, & nose red?
Slacked in th canteen to accompany Nurul, Jojo & secONES. Before that, I was chasing Kenneth & Changtong goR to take pic, but to no avail. :( Yay, James came to my rescue. *muacks. Lol. Y-A-P looked so shuai~
Went to MacD. "Followed" NCC seniors, YueHao & all. Th guy whom I have forgotten his name but came from 4-3'06 was smoking. Nutt, Aziela, Chuf & I ended up following th super scary ad about "smoking causes cancer."
McChicken. Then bumped into someone outside th male washroom. Alamak, wrong person. Hahah!
Then Khairul came & th NCC people sang for him a birthday song. So, Happy 16th! Lols. They bashed him up luh. So scary. But th juniors are rude lahhh. :x
Walked around & around in JP for a while, & especially in World of Sports & Kiddy Palace. Since Kiddy Palace is Aziela's blog url. Hah. We had this girl talk going on th wholeeeeeeeee time. :D So fun can? It's like, undescribable.
Oh, & we found a baby Adidas shoe in th middle of nowhere. Since it looks nice & it's Adidas(!), I decided to be a good soul & put it among th display of Bata's shoe sales. I hope someone buys it. LOLS. :D
Adln: {talking about negative stuff} Aziela: Eh, if you really like someone, then you'll talk about all this bad things leh. Adln: Har? Adln: But really what... {continues} Not that I purposely think about it lah, but then, nevermind.
On th way to send Aziela to th station. Told her about that incident. Hurhur. & I'm back~ Even bro said Guides contingent wasn't nice. :(
To Aziela, I think you take O lah. :D No part-timing my one hor. "OH HI!" boleh dapatkan kau dua gaji. (:
& Happy 15th & 16th to Jiaxin & Khairul! :D
Jiaxin's on th left, with Weiqi. He's at th back row, second from th right. Part D'07! (I think.)
 Upload th photos taken just now another time! :D
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
Hectic Friday, not TGIF!
FarahD's birthday
What it should have been
i love you k.
Hands of th LOADED
Recaps & Tag replies
Malay's project done!
Supposed t be mine. ):Sir Randy Chua! (:We weren't...
NDP Selection
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger