Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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Recaps & Tag replies
Yesterday! Th only thing I rmbed in class is, OngJingXin & TanGuanSen doing amusing stuffs. & they took my bag lah! Explore it. Think what? My bag internet explorer ah? Wahpiang. Still wanted to cut my INDRA SAHDAN pic. I was freaking out alr. Poor guys, thinking about pads, pantiliners & bra size? :D Don't look into my shirt, look into Sisi's for a nice model of breast!
Then got guides. Something got me pissed off lah har. Helped Nach do th surveying of people with Chuf. Thanks to th NPCC Cadets, Phoebe, Desmond, Jowee, Mingtat(-.-), Weiting, Geraldine & Michelle! Had OCK & homed.
Today! 3-3 only has 4..... passes for Physics test! >:'( I so pity Mr Ooi for blaming himself, saying he's not a good teacher and all. Don't worry Hunky, I'll pia for my Physics MYE for YOU! Sorry Donut. :D I got a 10 out of 25. So lao yah. :P
Got A Maths test! Can die can die! I only confident of th first question. x = 100! Th rest = diedie! I'll get 2 out of 25!
STAR! Hahahas. Even my STAR mates aka 2-3'06 aka 3-5'07 are complaining about th amaths test. But confirm they will get superbably good marks loh. Then had th discussion & stuffs. So fun lah. Except for th indian dance-skit thing. Me & Chingyee were like so... diao-ed? My group's in charge of th (idk what's th word). :D
James = Games. So let's play with James! Oops, Games. :D
Guides. I'm so sorry luh. ): But from now on, I'll definitely will put my heart & soul into Guides. Have a positive attitude! No matter how boring th thing is, if you put your heart & soul, you'll have fun. Yeay, yeay, yeay, yeay! JJ Spirit. :)
Oh & oh, I want more cheers! Getting one from Yongkang hur! ;D
You looked oh-so-cute lah!
Tag replies.
gor Thanks sir! (My mind is blank. Lol.) naazira Thanks for dropping by. Terasa? Hohos. I didn't even say it's you. -.- It's done already luh. Bengyew Thanks for tagging! :D aziela I lazy to delete th pics. Lols. Nanti aku tgok your pics. Randy Chua~ (: dorisa DOREE! So long never come my blog liao arh. :D Th permanent marker thing? So lame loh, that Ong. -.-" Plucking grass very fun! You too! (:
Recaps & Tag replies
Yesterday! Th only thing I rmbed in class is, OngJingXin & TanGuanSen doing amusing stuffs. & they took my bag lah! Explore it. Think what? My bag internet explorer ah? Wahpiang. Still wanted to cut my INDRA SAHDAN pic. I was freaking out alr. Poor guys, thinking about pads, pantiliners & bra size? :D Don't look into my shirt, look into Sisi's for a nice model of breast!
Then got guides. Something got me pissed off lah har. Helped Nach do th surveying of people with Chuf. Thanks to th NPCC Cadets, Phoebe, Desmond, Jowee, Mingtat(-.-), Weiting, Geraldine & Michelle! Had OCK & homed.
Today! 3-3 only has 4..... passes for Physics test! >:'( I so pity Mr Ooi for blaming himself, saying he's not a good teacher and all. Don't worry Hunky, I'll pia for my Physics MYE for YOU! Sorry Donut. :D I got a 10 out of 25. So lao yah. :P
Got A Maths test! Can die can die! I only confident of th first question. x = 100! Th rest = diedie! I'll get 2 out of 25!
STAR! Hahahas. Even my STAR mates aka 2-3'06 aka 3-5'07 are complaining about th amaths test. But confirm they will get superbably good marks loh. Then had th discussion & stuffs. So fun lah. Except for th indian dance-skit thing. Me & Chingyee were like so... diao-ed? My group's in charge of th (idk what's th word). :D
James = Games. So let's play with James! Oops, Games. :D
Guides. I'm so sorry luh. ): But from now on, I'll definitely will put my heart & soul into Guides. Have a positive attitude! No matter how boring th thing is, if you put your heart & soul, you'll have fun. Yeay, yeay, yeay, yeay! JJ Spirit. :)
Oh & oh, I want more cheers! Getting one from Yongkang hur! ;D
You looked oh-so-cute lah!
Tag replies.
gor Thanks sir! (My mind is blank. Lol.) naazira Thanks for dropping by. Terasa? Hohos. I didn't even say it's you. -.- It's done already luh. Bengyew Thanks for tagging! :D aziela I lazy to delete th pics. Lols. Nanti aku tgok your pics. Randy Chua~ (: dorisa DOREE! So long never come my blog liao arh. :D Th permanent marker thing? So lame loh, that Ong. -.-" Plucking grass very fun! You too! (:
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
Malay's project done!
Supposed t be mine. ):Sir Randy Chua! (:We weren't...
NDP Selection
Sports Day
& i miss th days when i was lovedthinking that i w...
Sian, 106th post
Tired after Speechday rehearsal
Yesterday!Pics of happy couples during recess. Err...
Indonesian & Indra spirited.
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger