A loss for the cowards!
YESTERDAY! And it was VICTORY! This is my supporting MAMA!  Match is about to start~  The field & players! Including a botak head.  See the yellow people? That's the 'butoh' Thais!  My mom was obsessed with the 'nice' language used.  Semangat! I brought them home.  This is small cux it's zoomed to the max. It's one of the Thais injured.-.-!  Singapore boleh!  Lionel Lewis! He's cuteeeee. But, Indra's cuter. <3  See his face again! @ the pics in the previous entry. The pieces of paper is thrown when Singapore GOALLLLL!  Awwww.  The Merepeks.  Taken by me of course!  Yeahyeah. I'm done uploading. It's by far the most controversial match out of the many-many matches I've been too. Why? The Thais were definitely not themselves. They were far too weak. Usually Thai soccer players are the hell of strong players. Which is what worried us, Singaporean fanatics. I think that their motive is to let our players get red cards, & our best players will not be playing in the next match. But too bad, our coach kept the good players from the second half. :D Good job! The referee was a Malaysian. I'm not a country-ist. But the fact that he's from Malaysia=he's biased. Or should I say blind? Thais were too weak, Singapore kena. Thais were too strong, they never get yellow/red card. Like, their players just lost to us last week. & you're giving them face-.-! But at least you did your thing by giving Singapore the penalty. (Like finally, we could have gotten one more penalty lor.) The Thais didn't want to play halfway. This is bullshit. Like the shit from the ass of the bull! They didn't want to accept the fact that we got a penalty, & refused to continue. And so the Thai supporters got mocked by the rest of the stadium, and they could not do anything. Their players are just plain cowards. But some of them could not take it & wanted to smash us*arbish! Don't tell me that their WHOLE country is all losers? They wasted our time lahs. They finally agreed to play & we scored! My dad said they resumed because the next game was to be cancelled & Spore would be the winner. Blahs. I'm worried. 2-1 = 1 goal. :/ I was sitted not in the front, but near to the Thais. On purpose, so I could see their actions & all. And guess what? The 'prompters' & 'horn-ers' are near me. So the kecoh lah. And learnt more words! Thais are ikan duyungs, so lembik. (: Ok ok. My interest for soccer has grown from 40% to 65%. Hhas. & today's Nurul's last day. Tmr is the op. Hoping for the best. Love you laogong/mei #2. Y I got videos many-many. If anyone wants to see, request yeah?