Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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PICTURES @ GUIDES OWN DAY.(CONT'D) PS:There's alot of pics which aren't pleasant to the eye. (: Nurul has to get a badge out,& can't do it by herself.
THERE! That's what friends are for. (: Reenah says, "Aiyoh. See lah, depend on your maid too much."(: KaiTing stares at a miserable girl.   This is ME showing them PLUS myself. (:  While the operation were on, the nurses camwhored. (L  This is doned by Yours Truly & can be found @ the board in the den.  It's normal for a daughter to be shorter than the mum. But in actual fact, we're of the same height! Look at Nach's face.!  LOL. A mother cum daughter potrait isit? Looks so formal. *loved.  Chufy,Ady,Nachy!  Don't play-play. Bugis Duck&Coconut Prawn! #01, #06
 At least I posted more pictures everyday. (: I'm a good girl! & I feel good, too. Love E Maths, A Maths is getting confusing by the day. Matrix/Matrices is getting out of hand! )x & going to the lab tomorrow for Physics. I love going to the lab. That's the reason why I like Science only 5%, thanks to the existence of the labs. (: PLUS. The tables are vandelisable! Returned Mei's cable. Got Gor's stuff to be ironed. I'm a good mei & jie yeah. Aft sch. Went on to wish and give Ms J/Ms Julie's present. Happy Birthday! It's was sooooo overly crowded that there was even a traffic jam. (: Assembly- As usual. It is reported that our batch-yes, this year's sec 3s/1992 babies-are the worst batch. That's the reason of the uniform change too, thanks to ourselves. ): & those wearing ankle socks had to buy new ones. I was pulling~ Ms Ong was like asking why my socks were uneven. Cux I pulled them of course. (: Mother Tongue next! Cikgu Hariani didn't come. Sapii shouted for something! We answered 'Assalamualaikum' instead of 'Waalaikummusalam'. (: & the thing is, we didn't realise it! Lawl. I found a Korean lover besides myself. Hidayat. Yes, Ahmad Hidayat Arif. (: He's a Korean fanatic laaaaa. Worst than meeeee. I hope I'll remember to bring John-Hoon's album to lend it to him tomorrow. =\ HAHA! & we were humming Stay's tune. (: Homed with Sardines epok-epok apok. :9 & I can't go watch Spore VS Laos @ the stadium later on. Humphhhhhhhh.
PICTURES @ GUIDES OWN DAY.(CONT'D) PS:There's alot of pics which aren't pleasant to the eye. (: Nurul has to get a badge out,& can't do it by herself.
THERE! That's what friends are for. (: Reenah says, "Aiyoh. See lah, depend on your maid too much."(: KaiTing stares at a miserable girl.   This is ME showing them PLUS myself. (:  While the operation were on, the nurses camwhored. (L  This is doned by Yours Truly & can be found @ the board in the den.  It's normal for a daughter to be shorter than the mum. But in actual fact, we're of the same height! Look at Nach's face.!  LOL. A mother cum daughter potrait isit? Looks so formal. *loved.  Chufy,Ady,Nachy!  Don't play-play. Bugis Duck&Coconut Prawn! #01, #06
 At least I posted more pictures everyday. (: I'm a good girl! & I feel good, too. Love E Maths, A Maths is getting confusing by the day. Matrix/Matrices is getting out of hand! )x & going to the lab tomorrow for Physics. I love going to the lab. That's the reason why I like Science only 5%, thanks to the existence of the labs. (: PLUS. The tables are vandelisable! Returned Mei's cable. Got Gor's stuff to be ironed. I'm a good mei & jie yeah. Aft sch. Went on to wish and give Ms J/Ms Julie's present. Happy Birthday! It's was sooooo overly crowded that there was even a traffic jam. (: Assembly- As usual. It is reported that our batch-yes, this year's sec 3s/1992 babies-are the worst batch. That's the reason of the uniform change too, thanks to ourselves. ): & those wearing ankle socks had to buy new ones. I was pulling~ Ms Ong was like asking why my socks were uneven. Cux I pulled them of course. (: Mother Tongue next! Cikgu Hariani didn't come. Sapii shouted for something! We answered 'Assalamualaikum' instead of 'Waalaikummusalam'. (: & the thing is, we didn't realise it! Lawl. I found a Korean lover besides myself. Hidayat. Yes, Ahmad Hidayat Arif. (: He's a Korean fanatic laaaaa. Worst than meeeee. I hope I'll remember to bring John-Hoon's album to lend it to him tomorrow. =\ HAHA! & we were humming Stay's tune. (: Homed with Sardines epok-epok apok. :9 & I can't go watch Spore VS Laos @ the stadium later on. Humphhhhhhhh.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
YAY! More pictures uploaded~As usual-.=! Problem-e...
With GOATIES!PS, there is still more but blogger g...
DAMN LAH!Finally my luck was up. I was uploading a...
Mama&Nu'er! LOVED. 99 NIANS! Chuf Mei. CANCER bub...
Started out the day with normalities. -.=What word...
Today very sian. Urgh. & Chang Tong is like gettin...
Since it's un-readable, I shall urm. Type it out! ...
Still not getting over what happened. Or what's ha...
Since MAMA Kai Ting asked me to update, then I sha...
First day of schooooooooooooool!(xQuite okei bah. ...
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger