Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Pics for parade
"And lastly, carrying th Girl Guides flag is Patrol Leader Nur Adelina Bte Mohd Fuat." (Inspired by Desmond L)
Finally... photos are up! Happy grabbing. ;D
Aft hours of polishing our boots. Semangat siolzxzx. W Feedha, Chuf, Shafiqa, Nurul and Reenah. Paiseh I forgot t wear hat.
Guides listening t CL's briefing. (Actually this one i'm testing out th camera. Wakaka)
Take 1. (Formal)
 Take 2.  Take 3.  Take 4.  My lovely GFs Nad and Fee!  I look soooo fat.  Plus Nurul!  This is Hayati, who has an unhealthy obsession :D  Ahmad, my cute fanboy :D  Plus Hairil, th biggest cunthead!  OMG CONSTANCE LIM SIAL! Lead actress. A superstar is hugging me!!!  Take 1. (Nurul semangat dgn flag. LOL)  Take 2.  Take 3.  Take 4.  I extra. Edmund, Matthew and Beng. I didn't take Edmund's flag hahaha.
ATTENTION! PICS FROM HERE ONWARDS ARE SOOOO FUGLY PASAL I'M SO STUPID ENOUGH T BREAK DOWN. SO... YEAH. Panji-panji w Matthew.  W ex CL Eliz, Chuf and Nach!  Why is Nach smiling when i'm feeling so depressed.  Tears. Eh come on lah this time Chuf started it first ok.  Tears.  Tears. (Dad looking at us -_-)  Before Siti left me. Aww  Reserves :D Mazi, Khairiah, Amirah, Dwi, Vivian and Kangting.  Wishing each other luck. Haha i was still crying btw. Pathetic siol. Marching in.  Waiting for GOH.  GG  Changtong (Parade 2 IC). My goR, my lampy! (:  Here comes th Panji-panji!  Panji-panji and GOH!  Panji-panji!  GOH!  GOH!  GOH!  Panji-panji on th move.  Parade!  Rusuk senjata.  Parade!  NCC GOH!  Parade!  Turun senjata. Sir sure scold me for not putting it against my boots' seimline. LOL  GG and NCC+NPCC and 1/2 NCC GOH.  RC, Scouts, 1/2 panji-panji and abit of NPCC GOH.  Parade!  Tharman lai lo...  Parade!  NPCC GOH Inspection.  Tharman staring at Edmund.  Tharman asking Yucheng for a v v long time!  NCC GOH Inspection.  Asking for march pass.  1, 2, 3, 4...  8 check one bang.  8 check one bang.  15, check one bang.  15, check one bang.  Kawalan kehormatan, cepat jalan.  PANJI-PANJI!  PANJI-PANJI!  PANJI-PANJI!  PANJI-PANJI!  PANJI-PANJI!  NCC GOH!  (Music) 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4...  RC.  Scouts.  Combined NCC and NPCC contigent.  HERE COME TH GUIDES!!!   First CC: CL Nurul.   Scouts.  Haha th guides running in t support Red Cross.  UGs supporting RC.  RC. (There's tooooo many photos so I only uploaded three. For more, I've sent it t Syaf :D)  RC.  RC.  Debrief.   ORIOLEEEEEEEEEEEE IS LOVE!  Look up, Guides!  Jiahui loveeeeee!  W Reenah, Shafiqa and Jasmine C!  W Matthew, Izzah, Nurul, Hasraf and Syaf. This is sooo spastic only me and Syaf is looking into th camera.  W Syaf! I loike this :D  W Ms Lim YM.  W Haiqal and Omar!  W Omar!! (Pls notice that I'm taller. HAHAHA)  W Khairul aka emcee who is so semangat posing.  W Khairul. (Pls notice again that I'm a lil bit taller.)  4/3 Guides!  W Dory, Ms Ng CI, Naomi and Ms Wee. :D 2/3 memories!  W Weijian, Huijie, Syaf, Edmund, Beng and Changtong. UG Spirit in NCC Room. Hahah  W Syaf and Changtong. W Fairi. Wahduhhhhh i look soo fat!  W Syafiq. (Dad: Saper nih? Fierce nyer muka!)  W Endy. Alamakkkkk cute banget deh si kecik ni!  W Jaya, Riyandi and Afiq! I shouldn't have bend down i am soooo short.  W Syaf and Celeste. 
Lastly, Happy birthday t Cik Emah darling! Imma meet th relatives later. This is soooooo exciting! I love you, you and you.
Pics for parade
"And lastly, carrying th Girl Guides flag is Patrol Leader Nur Adelina Bte Mohd Fuat." (Inspired by Desmond L)
Finally... photos are up! Happy grabbing. ;D
Aft hours of polishing our boots. Semangat siolzxzx. W Feedha, Chuf, Shafiqa, Nurul and Reenah. Paiseh I forgot t wear hat.
Guides listening t CL's briefing. (Actually this one i'm testing out th camera. Wakaka)
Take 1. (Formal)
 Take 2.  Take 3.  Take 4.  My lovely GFs Nad and Fee!  I look soooo fat.  Plus Nurul!  This is Hayati, who has an unhealthy obsession :D  Ahmad, my cute fanboy :D  Plus Hairil, th biggest cunthead!  OMG CONSTANCE LIM SIAL! Lead actress. A superstar is hugging me!!!  Take 1. (Nurul semangat dgn flag. LOL)  Take 2.  Take 3.  Take 4.  I extra. Edmund, Matthew and Beng. I didn't take Edmund's flag hahaha.
ATTENTION! PICS FROM HERE ONWARDS ARE SOOOO FUGLY PASAL I'M SO STUPID ENOUGH T BREAK DOWN. SO... YEAH. Panji-panji w Matthew.  W ex CL Eliz, Chuf and Nach!  Why is Nach smiling when i'm feeling so depressed.  Tears. Eh come on lah this time Chuf started it first ok.  Tears.  Tears. (Dad looking at us -_-)  Before Siti left me. Aww  Reserves :D Mazi, Khairiah, Amirah, Dwi, Vivian and Kangting.  Wishing each other luck. Haha i was still crying btw. Pathetic siol. Marching in.  Waiting for GOH.  GG  Changtong (Parade 2 IC). My goR, my lampy! (:  Here comes th Panji-panji!  Panji-panji and GOH!  Panji-panji!  GOH!  GOH!  GOH!  Panji-panji on th move.  Parade!  Rusuk senjata.  Parade!  NCC GOH!  Parade!  Turun senjata. Sir sure scold me for not putting it against my boots' seimline. LOL  GG and NCC+NPCC and 1/2 NCC GOH.  RC, Scouts, 1/2 panji-panji and abit of NPCC GOH.  Parade!  Tharman lai lo...  Parade!  NPCC GOH Inspection.  Tharman staring at Edmund.  Tharman asking Yucheng for a v v long time!  NCC GOH Inspection.  Asking for march pass.  1, 2, 3, 4...  8 check one bang.  8 check one bang.  15, check one bang.  15, check one bang.  Kawalan kehormatan, cepat jalan.  PANJI-PANJI!  PANJI-PANJI!  PANJI-PANJI!  PANJI-PANJI!  PANJI-PANJI!  NCC GOH!  (Music) 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4...  RC.  Scouts.  Combined NCC and NPCC contigent.  HERE COME TH GUIDES!!!   First CC: CL Nurul.   Scouts.  Haha th guides running in t support Red Cross.  UGs supporting RC.  RC. (There's tooooo many photos so I only uploaded three. For more, I've sent it t Syaf :D)  RC.  RC.  Debrief.   ORIOLEEEEEEEEEEEE IS LOVE!  Look up, Guides!  Jiahui loveeeeee!  W Reenah, Shafiqa and Jasmine C!  W Matthew, Izzah, Nurul, Hasraf and Syaf. This is sooo spastic only me and Syaf is looking into th camera.  W Syaf! I loike this :D  W Ms Lim YM.  W Haiqal and Omar!  W Omar!! (Pls notice that I'm taller. HAHAHA)  W Khairul aka emcee who is so semangat posing.  W Khairul. (Pls notice again that I'm a lil bit taller.)  4/3 Guides!  W Dory, Ms Ng CI, Naomi and Ms Wee. :D 2/3 memories!  W Weijian, Huijie, Syaf, Edmund, Beng and Changtong. UG Spirit in NCC Room. Hahah  W Syaf and Changtong. W Fairi. Wahduhhhhh i look soo fat!  W Syafiq. (Dad: Saper nih? Fierce nyer muka!)  W Endy. Alamakkkkk cute banget deh si kecik ni!  W Jaya, Riyandi and Afiq! I shouldn't have bend down i am soooo short.  W Syaf and Celeste. 
Lastly, Happy birthday t Cik Emah darling! Imma meet th relatives later. This is soooooo exciting! I love you, you and you.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
Colour party rehearsal (2)
Colour party rehearsal
BB staressss at me, baby!
which part of the story left a deep impression on ...
still 50kg, but 159cm
First day of sch
UNKLE - What are you t me?
oi mama that's MY mascara tau!!!! dammit
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger