Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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MT O's today. Lesson learnt: Never sit beside your eyecandy. O you're so irritating, I took back my excitement of sitting next t you lofl.
Shall end this post w a survey tagged by FarahD.
1. How long will you wait for someone you love? - I'm still young, so I'll be lying if I said "forever" and all those shit.
2. What do you want t do now? - SHOPPING!
3. What will you be doing at 6pm? - Watching tv/sleep/eat/sit/stand/dream/breathe. T be confirmed.
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes? - Hell yeah, when they irritate th shit outta me. But my hatred won't last long (hahaha)
5. Where do you wish t die? - Omg I'm so afraid of dying topics! -_- Err nicely in th ground, in a grave. Or ala ala Romeo & Juliet/Pyramus & Thisbe.
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow aft th rain? - Literally, yes.
7. What impossible things you wish t do? - Get rich instantly. Read people's minds. Grow wings and fly. Be a real guy for a day lofl.
8. Do you love in eternal love? - Aku tak faham, maaf.
9. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried t commit suicide? - Wow he must have been so in love w me sia hahahaha. Nolah.
10. What if your crush asked you out? - Faint, wakes up from fainting, tears of joy, calls up GFs t tell them. Loooool.
11. Describe your other half. - I only have me.
12. What feeling do you hate th most? - Anger. It makes me memberontak y'know. Ish so scary.
13. Do you cherish every friendship of yours? - Oh yes.
14. What are you looking forward t in th coming weeks? - Shopping sempena GSS.
15. Th most important thing in your life. - My bed.
16. Who do you hope t always be there for you? - Family and friends. Chris brown and company -_- stop it seh Adel.
17. Do you find life meaningless? - Most of th time. Seriously, tell me th meaning of it lofl.
18. Who do you love th most? - God. Mama. Aww she must be so touched -_-
19. Th craziest thing(s) you ever did. - I'm such an innocent person, I don't do crazy things. HAHAHA.
20. What's your greatest wish? - T ace th 'O's, make my family proud. Some people t realise how much they're being cared for (:
21. Th sweetest thing you ever did for someone. - Being their friend. I'm so sweet you see. Hahaha give me a slap please.
Instructions: Remove one question from above and replace it w your own (I'm so lazy so I didn't crack my brain t think of my own) Tag 8 people, list 'em down at th end of th post. Notify 'em in their chatbox that they've been tagged.
Afiqah, Ahmad, Hairil, Soffiah, Atiqah, Chufang, Syafiqah M and Dorisa.
MT O's today. Lesson learnt: Never sit beside your eyecandy. O you're so irritating, I took back my excitement of sitting next t you lofl.
Shall end this post w a survey tagged by FarahD.
1. How long will you wait for someone you love? - I'm still young, so I'll be lying if I said "forever" and all those shit.
2. What do you want t do now? - SHOPPING!
3. What will you be doing at 6pm? - Watching tv/sleep/eat/sit/stand/dream/breathe. T be confirmed.
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes? - Hell yeah, when they irritate th shit outta me. But my hatred won't last long (hahaha)
5. Where do you wish t die? - Omg I'm so afraid of dying topics! -_- Err nicely in th ground, in a grave. Or ala ala Romeo & Juliet/Pyramus & Thisbe.
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow aft th rain? - Literally, yes.
7. What impossible things you wish t do? - Get rich instantly. Read people's minds. Grow wings and fly. Be a real guy for a day lofl.
8. Do you love in eternal love? - Aku tak faham, maaf.
9. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried t commit suicide? - Wow he must have been so in love w me sia hahahaha. Nolah.
10. What if your crush asked you out? - Faint, wakes up from fainting, tears of joy, calls up GFs t tell them. Loooool.
11. Describe your other half. - I only have me.
12. What feeling do you hate th most? - Anger. It makes me memberontak y'know. Ish so scary.
13. Do you cherish every friendship of yours? - Oh yes.
14. What are you looking forward t in th coming weeks? - Shopping sempena GSS.
15. Th most important thing in your life. - My bed.
16. Who do you hope t always be there for you? - Family and friends. Chris brown and company -_- stop it seh Adel.
17. Do you find life meaningless? - Most of th time. Seriously, tell me th meaning of it lofl.
18. Who do you love th most? - God. Mama. Aww she must be so touched -_-
19. Th craziest thing(s) you ever did. - I'm such an innocent person, I don't do crazy things. HAHAHA.
20. What's your greatest wish? - T ace th 'O's, make my family proud. Some people t realise how much they're being cared for (:
21. Th sweetest thing you ever did for someone. - Being their friend. I'm so sweet you see. Hahaha give me a slap please.
Instructions: Remove one question from above and replace it w your own (I'm so lazy so I didn't crack my brain t think of my own) Tag 8 people, list 'em down at th end of th post. Notify 'em in their chatbox that they've been tagged.
Afiqah, Ahmad, Hairil, Soffiah, Atiqah, Chufang, Syafiqah M and Dorisa.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
I will be all that you want
Unleash your moves
So much for my happy ending
Two strangers
NCC 2ndday camp & hike
Moment of truth
Sungei Buloh
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger