Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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'Cause you leave me speechless,
Happy 17th birthday, Haiqal! :D
Physics SPA was a total horror. I give up on tht subject la, dammit omfg. Had Eng compre, my eyes was like ._. sooooo small tht I had t go wash my face. Whn I came back w th O.O enthu attitude, classmates were alr stapling th paper (time up mah) -.-
At KFC: Eh Hafizah, we all kena already. Later someth will drop on your skirt. Hafizah looks down at her skirt. Lol. Mash potato on her skirt.
SS ASAP about globalisation. Aft tht did some Amath/crapped at canteen w Ierfan Shafiqa Iman Huiyi Joseph Changtong&Junjie. Thn Huiyi and me went t explore th stadium beside our house. Hahaha.
I seriously couldn't believe it whn I heard about y'all tht day. But it's somehow true, eh. You don't know how it feels t be me. Seriously. (But nutt does)
Oh-well. At least I got CB.
Oh yes before I forget Dear M Hairil I, Nah you won't have t feel left out 'cause here's a personalised dedication t you. Hahaha. I don't get it lah why people think tht we're together -.- like omfg. Anyway, you cunthead, i enjoy having amath ASAP w you. And I wish some of your English skills will transfer t me 'cause I only depend on luck for tht subj. Cheh don't kembang uh. Gear up your ass and start studying for MYE LA SEH. And please don't expect a Raoul tee on th 28th. Maybe some tee from pasar malam kat JP tu la boleh? You rock, I rock, we rock lahsial mat! Haha okay bye.

Taggehhhhhh! FarahD Suka dia eh! Gee eh are why kaper Farahhhhh hahaha ;) Hayati Scary fandom, unhealthy obsession, all you la beb! Takder la I'm sure he won't mind being famous for awhile ;) Fee Paiseh, soraaaaang~ Will give him soon lah k, soon. I know I'm suchan asshole la hah. Hairil Tagged you. Dedicated someth t you on my blog lagi ader. Ahmad Irritating, but it's okay. I'll miss it next year, for sure. Welcome, and thnkyou. But somehow I'd prefer t be called Maria thn Muthusamy's chief social escort sia. Hah. Dorisa Natch-cha-rul?! What th f is tht sia. Thnks for being so understanding eh Dory. Eh but seriously I'm wondering how is he now. Hhahaha. Natalie Obabe! Aft MYE? Hao ah, go plan an outing for us, go. JY too! Ierfan Eh gegerl, dah ah kau. You should be honoured and thankful la okay. Aku merajuk la seh. Ingatkan nak burn skirt aku tadi?
'Cause you leave me speechless,
Happy 17th birthday, Haiqal! :D
Physics SPA was a total horror. I give up on tht subject la, dammit omfg. Had Eng compre, my eyes was like ._. sooooo small tht I had t go wash my face. Whn I came back w th O.O enthu attitude, classmates were alr stapling th paper (time up mah) -.-
At KFC: Eh Hafizah, we all kena already. Later someth will drop on your skirt. Hafizah looks down at her skirt. Lol. Mash potato on her skirt.
SS ASAP about globalisation. Aft tht did some Amath/crapped at canteen w Ierfan Shafiqa Iman Huiyi Joseph Changtong&Junjie. Thn Huiyi and me went t explore th stadium beside our house. Hahaha.
I seriously couldn't believe it whn I heard about y'all tht day. But it's somehow true, eh. You don't know how it feels t be me. Seriously. (But nutt does)
Oh-well. At least I got CB.
Oh yes before I forget Dear M Hairil I, Nah you won't have t feel left out 'cause here's a personalised dedication t you. Hahaha. I don't get it lah why people think tht we're together -.- like omfg. Anyway, you cunthead, i enjoy having amath ASAP w you. And I wish some of your English skills will transfer t me 'cause I only depend on luck for tht subj. Cheh don't kembang uh. Gear up your ass and start studying for MYE LA SEH. And please don't expect a Raoul tee on th 28th. Maybe some tee from pasar malam kat JP tu la boleh? You rock, I rock, we rock lahsial mat! Haha okay bye.

Taggehhhhhh! FarahD Suka dia eh! Gee eh are why kaper Farahhhhh hahaha ;) Hayati Scary fandom, unhealthy obsession, all you la beb! Takder la I'm sure he won't mind being famous for awhile ;) Fee Paiseh, soraaaaang~ Will give him soon lah k, soon. I know I'm suchan asshole la hah. Hairil Tagged you. Dedicated someth t you on my blog lagi ader. Ahmad Irritating, but it's okay. I'll miss it next year, for sure. Welcome, and thnkyou. But somehow I'd prefer t be called Maria thn Muthusamy's chief social escort sia. Hah. Dorisa Natch-cha-rul?! What th f is tht sia. Thnks for being so understanding eh Dory. Eh but seriously I'm wondering how is he now. Hhahaha. Natalie Obabe! Aft MYE? Hao ah, go plan an outing for us, go. JY too! Ierfan Eh gegerl, dah ah kau. You should be honoured and thankful la okay. Aku merajuk la seh. Ingatkan nak burn skirt aku tadi?
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
You'll always be my thunder
It's like your heart has been kissed by beauty
This conversation is Over
If I can't hold on, on my v last try
What it used t be
Aww, he said my name!
Somewhere along in th bitterness
Oh baby, you really are my ecstacy.And i really ne...
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger