Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Updated @ Pioneer Mall's MacD with belated photos.
Currently at Pioneer Mall de MacD, to use my lappie! Not to eat okay. I have been a good gerl for this fasting month, have been fasting FULL. :D Have not ponteng puasa. Aisehmen Adelina. So yah, updated with more belated photos! Lol.
Oh oh. Today marks an important day in my sec3 life. Or my entire life. I passed my AMaths for the fucking first time in my whole bloody life.
& if you were me you would be mega ultra happy that you would scream your head off for joy right? Well I screamed just abit cuz finally there's something to show that one bitch of a teacher also known as PinkJ. Am I glad to have many people who understood my irritating shrieks. Hahhs. But Mr. M Lizard just had to ruin it. Yah, he's one smart ass guy who always had his facts right. But he didn't get as well as he should. And he was so pissed when I was showing others my paper. Bloodyhell. Can't you give me a god damn chance to feel happy about AMATHS? Hurh. Mr Lizard, I can't be bothered with you any longer.
I had the weirdest dream agn, inclusive of Junko(3/2) and Shafiq(3/4). With lizard and rat and devil. So no link hor. Haiyahh. EOY's coming up. Have been mugging EMath, Amath and Physics. Chemistry is still untouched. OMG! 17 untouched chapters for god's sake!
Sec 3 studies suck the hell out of me.
&& today went home in 246 and 179. =D
So random. I'm supposed to store you in an unwanted drawer in my brain, but I shall not do so cause you're my inspiration to MUG. Aiseh! Time for the belated photos!
TJCC NDP CELEBRATION, 18082007! Tharman who made my blood go upstairs that day. Chingay.
Miss Lappen!
Chufang and her selenger face. Lol.
Aziela and Nathisha looks really bored.
Man in green who marched the best! :D
With the NPCC Supporting contingent which is so gross in marching.
Taken by Chufang while me and Aziela are watching the little kids doing dikir barat.
SPL Desmond Leong! Who made me happy by going short.
Aziela and me. We look like a couple right? Lol.
I so hate my face here ah. We're on the way to TJ MacD for dinner/supper treated by Nutt's mum!
.jpg) Afsal.  Whom Aziela thought his name was Alsagoff. Haha!  Mr Yip Ann Perng who looks not bad here. Aiseh.  LEE JIAHUI! Came with a super tall guy who had to bend double to listen to her talk.  Sweet lah she.  And i love her! Lol.  Adidas height.  KAKAKKU. .jpg) Lightsticks at our legs. Heading home. With Aziela.  Remaining pics for 08082007! Miss Chua, who obviously made me happy by going shorter as well.  LEEJIAHUI is love again!  Mr Bakhtiar rocks! As in his behaviour, not his lessons. And Huiyi is suchan extra.  SPL Desmond Leong seh. Brothers and sisters katakan.  ExtraOne is extra-ing behind.  Mr Ng Zhen Yang. No comments. But he specially made this pose.  Meet my twinny.  With Aziela, Reenah and Jasmine. My scarf is the nicest!  Fee and Lee!  Joseph Stalin, my literature buddy.  Twinny was the birthday girl. She liked this photo angle. LMAO. Reenah so cute luh, at the side. Face paint? Hahha. Aliens celebrating her birthday at Tamanjuronggreens.  The pretty cake with ZOE! My fav character.  With Fee again.  Baby and dearest.  Aziela looks nice here. .jpg) Hafizah bte Khalidh! My tablemate. Who bought me my contacts. She's one idiot, dumbdumb, lamester, toshiba, all-in-one. HAHA. and i didn't smile in the pic. Damn.  Aiseh, PS Aziela emo! .jpg) Stupid faces. .jpg) At Naazira's crib. I was protecting my chest cuz she hit it twice earlier. .jpg) More protection! .jpg) The aliens who were enjoying the boring performances.  & the final picture of my sister. Nuraziela bte Ahmad.
Like what Andrea and Kathryn tagged you, don't leave your girlfriends behind. No matter how much you wanna give up, all of us, me, your 3D classmates, are all here for you. I miss you ah, really. I miss talking to you about anything under the sun, from Oreo to friends. From family to accidents. You're one special friend that I don't want to lose. Pieces of my heart, I'm missing you. Nur Adelina loves Nuraziela! There! I updated. Going home to prepare for breaking fast. I don't have any maids to do it for me you see, like some people. Adios.
Updated @ Pioneer Mall's MacD with belated photos.
Currently at Pioneer Mall de MacD, to use my lappie! Not to eat okay. I have been a good gerl for this fasting month, have been fasting FULL. :D Have not ponteng puasa. Aisehmen Adelina. So yah, updated with more belated photos! Lol.
Oh oh. Today marks an important day in my sec3 life. Or my entire life. I passed my AMaths for the fucking first time in my whole bloody life.
& if you were me you would be mega ultra happy that you would scream your head off for joy right? Well I screamed just abit cuz finally there's something to show that one bitch of a teacher also known as PinkJ. Am I glad to have many people who understood my irritating shrieks. Hahhs. But Mr. M Lizard just had to ruin it. Yah, he's one smart ass guy who always had his facts right. But he didn't get as well as he should. And he was so pissed when I was showing others my paper. Bloodyhell. Can't you give me a god damn chance to feel happy about AMATHS? Hurh. Mr Lizard, I can't be bothered with you any longer.
I had the weirdest dream agn, inclusive of Junko(3/2) and Shafiq(3/4). With lizard and rat and devil. So no link hor. Haiyahh. EOY's coming up. Have been mugging EMath, Amath and Physics. Chemistry is still untouched. OMG! 17 untouched chapters for god's sake!
Sec 3 studies suck the hell out of me.
&& today went home in 246 and 179. =D
So random. I'm supposed to store you in an unwanted drawer in my brain, but I shall not do so cause you're my inspiration to MUG. Aiseh! Time for the belated photos!
TJCC NDP CELEBRATION, 18082007! Tharman who made my blood go upstairs that day. Chingay.
Miss Lappen!
Chufang and her selenger face. Lol.
Aziela and Nathisha looks really bored.
Man in green who marched the best! :D
With the NPCC Supporting contingent which is so gross in marching.
Taken by Chufang while me and Aziela are watching the little kids doing dikir barat.
SPL Desmond Leong! Who made me happy by going short.
Aziela and me. We look like a couple right? Lol.
I so hate my face here ah. We're on the way to TJ MacD for dinner/supper treated by Nutt's mum!
.jpg) Afsal.  Whom Aziela thought his name was Alsagoff. Haha!  Mr Yip Ann Perng who looks not bad here. Aiseh.  LEE JIAHUI! Came with a super tall guy who had to bend double to listen to her talk.  Sweet lah she.  And i love her! Lol.  Adidas height.  KAKAKKU. .jpg) Lightsticks at our legs. Heading home. With Aziela.  Remaining pics for 08082007! Miss Chua, who obviously made me happy by going shorter as well.  LEEJIAHUI is love again!  Mr Bakhtiar rocks! As in his behaviour, not his lessons. And Huiyi is suchan extra.  SPL Desmond Leong seh. Brothers and sisters katakan.  ExtraOne is extra-ing behind.  Mr Ng Zhen Yang. No comments. But he specially made this pose.  Meet my twinny.  With Aziela, Reenah and Jasmine. My scarf is the nicest!  Fee and Lee!  Joseph Stalin, my literature buddy.  Twinny was the birthday girl. She liked this photo angle. LMAO. Reenah so cute luh, at the side. Face paint? Hahha. Aliens celebrating her birthday at Tamanjuronggreens.  The pretty cake with ZOE! My fav character.  With Fee again.  Baby and dearest.  Aziela looks nice here. .jpg) Hafizah bte Khalidh! My tablemate. Who bought me my contacts. She's one idiot, dumbdumb, lamester, toshiba, all-in-one. HAHA. and i didn't smile in the pic. Damn.  Aiseh, PS Aziela emo! .jpg) Stupid faces. .jpg) At Naazira's crib. I was protecting my chest cuz she hit it twice earlier. .jpg) More protection! .jpg) The aliens who were enjoying the boring performances.  & the final picture of my sister. Nuraziela bte Ahmad.
Like what Andrea and Kathryn tagged you, don't leave your girlfriends behind. No matter how much you wanna give up, all of us, me, your 3D classmates, are all here for you. I miss you ah, really. I miss talking to you about anything under the sun, from Oreo to friends. From family to accidents. You're one special friend that I don't want to lose. Pieces of my heart, I'm missing you. Nur Adelina loves Nuraziela! There! I updated. Going home to prepare for breaking fast. I don't have any maids to do it for me you see, like some people. Adios.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
Hello from Suntec MacD!
NEMation! @ NYP
180th post!
178th post.hellloooooooo!its her gor again!check o...
177th post.im here, updating for adln, just like s...
First day in library!
Guides training!
Back from holiday!
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger