Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
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Worse campfire!
102th post!
Yesterday was th WORST campfire i've ever been to. to think that i went there as a last-minute-plan to pei th sec3s. -.-
before meeting everyone, went to royal sporting house to have a look at th bag. lols, so despo.
then went off to boonlay. waited like HELL luh. entertained by nach, michelleYEO, CHUF, reenah, & stella(!) chuf was more to irritating me ON PURPOSE. hor, chuf?
on the way, i was walking with fang chu tan. and STELLA! she was telling us all this facts. about anything under the sun. so... impressive? (menyeramkan lagi ada!)
when we reached there, we had to go through the "gateway". stella was so afraid can, from her expressions(and shakings) i wasn't. ok, abit. i thought th campfire would be fun, since they're so innovative to have th gateway.
then th emcees started speaking like TOTAL minahs. yah, they are. & th fireball to light up th campfire didn't drop like it's supposed to, so i was already laughing. th rest was like, "drop! drop!" and it did lah. th ppl on th 4th story were hugging each other. -.- i was like, it was almost a failure.
& th whole campfire started. cheers, sec3s & jiahui lead the "we must win th war" cheer. th ventures cheered so enthu-ly. th superrrr funny thing was that atiq was left out behind. she was posing so cutely luh, when they were shouting. hah, auntie.. auntie. th performances-.- only th NPCC guys' dance were nice. th malaygirls, ohgod. we were all disgusted man.
atiq: they think they're so hot. me: but they're NOT!
lols. then th games. it was so lame. what has TONGUE TWISTERS got to do with BLINGBLING and HIPHOP and th MODERN TEENAGE WORLD? that's th theme. hurhur. jasH threw her wallet at us for sabo-ing her. i became a good soul and went all th way to pick that damn wallet up. there was 10 buckays inside. $_$
adrian's performance was th best luh. he and another scout. th MOST entertaining, and got everyone shouting, "censored!" they practically touched most of each other's body parts.
then th songs. ohmy. they sang reluctantly, and as though they were trains. we can't even catch up, so we didn't even bother to sing later. peace like a river, father abraham wasn't even sung in full. i'm a tex, they sang only ONCE. they even skipped some songs. the best part was th friendship dance & thousand legged worm. we, th-couldn't-be-bothered just sat at our places. th emcees just sang~ they couldn't even do th actions properly. those who are so semangats. like some ventures. yonathan was so paiseh, he went up for th friendship dance, and th song ended. i couldn't stop laughing, seeing his reaction.
can you believe it, there was a parade in th campfire! apparently, one of them is Aloysius from JPS. hah. it started with izzat & atiq, ended up everyone started to call him. and when this PARADE is up, there were mats playing & singing on th stage! like wtf? and their own BVSS girls were going gaga over those. -.-
then it was time for th refreshments. everyone had no mood to stand despite being uber hungry. chuf & des went off first loh. but when we reached, we finished up th wrong table's food. then JSS guides & scouts/ventures finished all our food in th respective tables. so ended up both tables called for more food. ingrid, me & chuf were like counting how many bread we had. hah.
begged my dad to bring me home. it's nice to sleep in th aircon listening to peterpan's alexandria when you've had a sucky campfire with out-of-tune voices and glowing fire.
today was a tiring day. no, i didn't go out. i stayed at home, and did my emaths & readinglog. can die, i tell you. fancy woman's running out of phrases already. i'm soooo not looking forward to school, except for you. (:
Worse campfire!
102th post!
Yesterday was th WORST campfire i've ever been to. to think that i went there as a last-minute-plan to pei th sec3s. -.-
before meeting everyone, went to royal sporting house to have a look at th bag. lols, so despo.
then went off to boonlay. waited like HELL luh. entertained by nach, michelleYEO, CHUF, reenah, & stella(!) chuf was more to irritating me ON PURPOSE. hor, chuf?
on the way, i was walking with fang chu tan. and STELLA! she was telling us all this facts. about anything under the sun. so... impressive? (menyeramkan lagi ada!)
when we reached there, we had to go through the "gateway". stella was so afraid can, from her expressions(and shakings) i wasn't. ok, abit. i thought th campfire would be fun, since they're so innovative to have th gateway.
then th emcees started speaking like TOTAL minahs. yah, they are. & th fireball to light up th campfire didn't drop like it's supposed to, so i was already laughing. th rest was like, "drop! drop!" and it did lah. th ppl on th 4th story were hugging each other. -.- i was like, it was almost a failure.
& th whole campfire started. cheers, sec3s & jiahui lead the "we must win th war" cheer. th ventures cheered so enthu-ly. th superrrr funny thing was that atiq was left out behind. she was posing so cutely luh, when they were shouting. hah, auntie.. auntie. th performances-.- only th NPCC guys' dance were nice. th malaygirls, ohgod. we were all disgusted man.
atiq: they think they're so hot. me: but they're NOT!
lols. then th games. it was so lame. what has TONGUE TWISTERS got to do with BLINGBLING and HIPHOP and th MODERN TEENAGE WORLD? that's th theme. hurhur. jasH threw her wallet at us for sabo-ing her. i became a good soul and went all th way to pick that damn wallet up. there was 10 buckays inside. $_$
adrian's performance was th best luh. he and another scout. th MOST entertaining, and got everyone shouting, "censored!" they practically touched most of each other's body parts.
then th songs. ohmy. they sang reluctantly, and as though they were trains. we can't even catch up, so we didn't even bother to sing later. peace like a river, father abraham wasn't even sung in full. i'm a tex, they sang only ONCE. they even skipped some songs. the best part was th friendship dance & thousand legged worm. we, th-couldn't-be-bothered just sat at our places. th emcees just sang~ they couldn't even do th actions properly. those who are so semangats. like some ventures. yonathan was so paiseh, he went up for th friendship dance, and th song ended. i couldn't stop laughing, seeing his reaction.
can you believe it, there was a parade in th campfire! apparently, one of them is Aloysius from JPS. hah. it started with izzat & atiq, ended up everyone started to call him. and when this PARADE is up, there were mats playing & singing on th stage! like wtf? and their own BVSS girls were going gaga over those. -.-
then it was time for th refreshments. everyone had no mood to stand despite being uber hungry. chuf & des went off first loh. but when we reached, we finished up th wrong table's food. then JSS guides & scouts/ventures finished all our food in th respective tables. so ended up both tables called for more food. ingrid, me & chuf were like counting how many bread we had. hah.
begged my dad to bring me home. it's nice to sleep in th aircon listening to peterpan's alexandria when you've had a sucky campfire with out-of-tune voices and glowing fire.
today was a tiring day. no, i didn't go out. i stayed at home, and did my emaths & readinglog. can die, i tell you. fancy woman's running out of phrases already. i'm soooo not looking forward to school, except for you. (:
you wanna piece of me
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Two in one!
Wuzun crazy!
A Jiro picture a day, keeps th Wuzuns away! :DNot ...
zhuan shu tian shi
Yesterday's & today's
Of no mood
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
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