keeps getting better

Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster

break th ice

come on get higher

Music Playlist at

I hate my sister.

Not late again. Hahs. Pure luck ahhs. (;

I just looked at E Maths thingys, so my minds is Math-ish.
A Maths = constant = super duper complicated.
Physics = constant = alright.
History = constant = fun~ except for the test. [7 outta 12]
Recess = constant = chocolate bread! :9
English = positive = Phua didn't come = GraceLim came = danced for me. -.-"
Chemistry = positive = understandable.

Aft school = STAR = constant = BORING.
& 3-3 scholars, except for me lah, all dropped higher Chinese. So... cool. Togetherness. Lols.
Presentation was crappy.
ChingYee & I were talking about JIRO most of the timeeeeee! ♥

Jiro is loveeeeeee~
Nathisha said I could create a JIRO Club.
Four letters = Me, JieNing, Hweey & Chingyee! Lols.
All the Jiro de za bors!

Went home in 154 with Ingrid. As usual, she talked about food, movies & camp. Really campsick siah, that girl. Copied all the empty pages of E Maths. Ate riceeeeee. :9
Watching Hanakimi too. WuZun kissed Ella, but I don't give a damn. Jiro didn't. (;

& I didn't see You today. Fine, once.
&& I think that YOU are getting out of hand.