Hello i am N Adelina M F and i want to be rich and famous. I think ferrero rocher is very sedap and brendon urie plus david henrie loves me hahaha okay prasan siol! 21st july seems like a nice date i wonder why.
@ friendster
  Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Yesterday VIVO-ED! & thanks to Afiq for the recordings. Haha!
Today Woke up at 10+. YahYAH, I know. Early for a sleeeeeepyhead like me. Hah! Then off to the computer niah. Aft brushing my teeeth lah. Then hor. Make me panic siah. The modem was on, but I couldn't surf the net. Unplugged the cables, & re-plugged in. Still cannot. Restart duno how many times. Still cannot.
So played Minesweeper-.-
Bro wanted to try! To use the computer.
Then his friend called to say that the whole of Singapore couldn't access the net. Cause=Quake in Taiwan
Aft like, 10 mins? He could use it liaos. Burh. But now he's out, & I'm playing! Blogging, I guess. Called Nathisha. Miss her seh. Didn't talk to her for quite a while liao. Trying to cut down. Talked about the whole two years about our life in JSS. & my dream.
Dream![= It's kinda lame, so erm. Yeaaaahhhh;)
It was the first day of school(!) So met up with Chuf who was (in my dreams) staying at the next block. Late! Supposed to meet Nutt&Ting at 154 bus stop. Reached at 7.45pm-.- Counsillors there were James and Daron. Begged them, so ended up Chuf,Nutt&Ting got the late thang, while I didn't! Wooh~
Nutt withdrew the guides den key. SUDDENLY, Chuf&me changed into counsilor tee. Seems that we were counsillors in my dreams. So when the two of them slacked in the den, me and Chuf went to SC room. Didn't want to step inside, so slacked outside. Duno how, then they decided that everyone(woah!) switched CCAs!
So I was in Scouts! Ergh. Then our school hall was those super-duper grand huge golden ones. Then I realised that we were going to have a parade! In the hall-.- Then I was in the scouts uniform(will not say what happened when going). I was the only guide not in guides-.- There were only NINE people in each contigent. Then RedCross not enough people, so the Mam Adilla forced me to change into their uniform! So I was a RedCross-er also-_-
Then duno what happened! Everyone started running towards the door. I was left alone, then my Mr X appeared. Didn't do anything hor, Nutt. Then stacked up the chairs. He disappeared. Then Mr A appeared & both of us started singing a looooove song on the stage! Our clothes(including my uniform) changed into like, formal? Then turned, audience were clapping. Then we held handdds. Then I woke up.
GOD. It's still so vivid inside my mind can. Mr X & Mr A shall not be exposed. Later other people kill me. & the letters doesn't represent anything. It's just my favourite letters.
Oh well. Alone for the day! YIPEEEEEEEEE!
& my loved ones.
Yesterday VIVO-ED! & thanks to Afiq for the recordings. Haha!
Today Woke up at 10+. YahYAH, I know. Early for a sleeeeeepyhead like me. Hah! Then off to the computer niah. Aft brushing my teeeth lah. Then hor. Make me panic siah. The modem was on, but I couldn't surf the net. Unplugged the cables, & re-plugged in. Still cannot. Restart duno how many times. Still cannot.
So played Minesweeper-.-
Bro wanted to try! To use the computer.
Then his friend called to say that the whole of Singapore couldn't access the net. Cause=Quake in Taiwan
Aft like, 10 mins? He could use it liaos. Burh. But now he's out, & I'm playing! Blogging, I guess. Called Nathisha. Miss her seh. Didn't talk to her for quite a while liao. Trying to cut down. Talked about the whole two years about our life in JSS. & my dream.
Dream![= It's kinda lame, so erm. Yeaaaahhhh;)
It was the first day of school(!) So met up with Chuf who was (in my dreams) staying at the next block. Late! Supposed to meet Nutt&Ting at 154 bus stop. Reached at 7.45pm-.- Counsillors there were James and Daron. Begged them, so ended up Chuf,Nutt&Ting got the late thang, while I didn't! Wooh~
Nutt withdrew the guides den key. SUDDENLY, Chuf&me changed into counsilor tee. Seems that we were counsillors in my dreams. So when the two of them slacked in the den, me and Chuf went to SC room. Didn't want to step inside, so slacked outside. Duno how, then they decided that everyone(woah!) switched CCAs!
So I was in Scouts! Ergh. Then our school hall was those super-duper grand huge golden ones. Then I realised that we were going to have a parade! In the hall-.- Then I was in the scouts uniform(will not say what happened when going). I was the only guide not in guides-.- There were only NINE people in each contigent. Then RedCross not enough people, so the Mam Adilla forced me to change into their uniform! So I was a RedCross-er also-_-
Then duno what happened! Everyone started running towards the door. I was left alone, then my Mr X appeared. Didn't do anything hor, Nutt. Then stacked up the chairs. He disappeared. Then Mr A appeared & both of us started singing a looooove song on the stage! Our clothes(including my uniform) changed into like, formal? Then turned, audience were clapping. Then we held handdds. Then I woke up.
GOD. It's still so vivid inside my mind can. Mr X & Mr A shall not be exposed. Later other people kill me. & the letters doesn't represent anything. It's just my favourite letters.
Oh well. Alone for the day! YIPEEEEEEEEE!
& my loved ones.
you wanna piece of me
Archives by post:
YAY-NESS.Second entry of the day~(:Just came back ...
MERRY CHRISTMAS!& a happy new year(:Suddenly felt ...
(copyrighted from my entry in the aliens blog)http...
I APOLOGISE.I won't be posting the first day of my...
Second day
Third day
Back from M'sia!Malacca, to be exact(:Will upload ...
Happy Birthday to Atiqah.(I changed the font to pu...
Going to Malacca this Sunday.Don't miss me, althou...
Replies to tagsanon:Whatever, I'm not an online sh...
Whot i want:
Miracles: 8As, 160cm, beauty, Ashley Tisdale's body, be filthy rich
Vest, grey mat shoes, loafers, crochet beanie, pretty maryjanes, ipod (!!), hat (stop it seh adel!), straits kitchen/carousel, very very luring perfume hahaha
And a day full of happiness
get back
Layout: Mary
Colours: refuted
Host: blogger